
>"Republicans are people too"
>cue stock photos because Republicans are in fact not humans

The hard drive in mine shat out after about two years. Typical Apple planned obsolescence.

How a ten year old in the body of an invulnerable, musclebound freak deals with the horrors of murder and "supervillainy" should write for itself in a "grimdark, humorless" universe!

Here's hoping Patrick Warburton plays Captain Marvel.

You are making less and less sense with each post. This was great, let's do this again some time.

So I don't deserve adequate privacy protection and/or can't complain because I don't have a profile on TMZ? Of course companies are going to cater to wheels with the most potential to squeak, but don't act like it's not important to service the everyman.

One tv show, actually. And what does that have to do with anything? I don't have to be famous to expect reliable service, including having my private information protected.

>Apple takes privacy seriously

He may not be a doctor, but he DID play one in Johnny Mnemonic.

High Fidelity portable music player, for when you're out and about with your $500 Sennheiser headphones.