
I’d rather have a couple of shots than die, thank you. The headline is accurate because if you guess wrong then you will die. Therefore, if you come into contact with a bat, you probably need a shot.

You’re probably not buying a tree, you’re buying a seedling. 10 bucks is a lot for a seedling. But if “Hey, we’re anti-Trump, send us 10 bucks” works for you, than buy a couple dozen. By the way, the US forest Service already does this on a very large scale because, well, it’s what they do. They also use seeds

Prions aren’t affected by heat, my dude.

All salt is sea salt.

Now playing

If that’s how you like it, salt your butter pat! Or even better, salt it after you’ve spread it. I will say, though, that the salt in salted butter is *in* the butter, not on it, so yay for incorporation and a different flavor - salted butter is going to taste different than salt on butter. I saw a totally mesmerizing

C’mon. Bananas. Coconut. The staple of shipwrecked sailors everywhere . How can you say they don’t go well together.

I regret to inform you that when I become supreme rulerkingsident, coconut not only won’t be banned, but will be mandatory. Shredded coconut is simply the best.

It is extremely difficult to do even simple tasks when maneuvering a wheel chair - imagine carrying a cup of hot coffee while using your hands to control your speed and direction and you can see the challenges involved.

You got the dying alone part right.

I tried to make a corny broth once. All I had to show for it was wrinkly feet.

Did you wrap it with bacon first?

I could not disagree more and the ketchup shelf backs me up. Heinz is ok, not great but ok. Get yourself a ketchup not filled with hfc and it’s so much better. Annie’s brand comes to mind, it has flavor that’s not just sugar.

Yea. Do a coinbase withdrawl from your checking account, wait for coimbase to deposit the money into your USD WALLET, transfer to GDAX. Trade for Bitcoin on GDAX. Transfer wherever. No fees.

They’ve come up with an even more innovative way to avoid confusion when making performance models: slowly let all of your performance models die so nobody has to know their names.

Noro, not nano.

Now playing

Hey, if we’re gonna talk about badass Caprices, which I don’t feel is a conversation had often enough, can I get a little love for “72nd and Broadway to Central Park South In Three Minutes” Caprice?

So, in about 6 months then?

That’s one of my biggest pet peeves with Halo cars. They still want you to pay an extra $500 for floor mats. For $500k Janine the floor mat lady better personally come to my house and run a chemical analysis on all my footwear to determine the best material to make my floormats out of.

Real talk, though: could you folks please provide transcripts? I think that would be less effort than including closed captioning (the video player doesn’t seem to support it at all). Some people who enjoy cars also happen to be hearing impaired.