
Polite response: It sounds like they should have a (voluntary or involuntary) buyer’s certification course.

Ah--if I had to rely only on T-Mobile and AT&T towers I would have a problem. That’s partly why I’m on Fi.

Better to get a Pixel 2 XL off eBay. 

What provider do you have and are you throttled after a certain threshold of data use? (and what’s the theshold?) Details, sir?

No, under-amperage. It’s a constant voltage.

No, under-amperage. It’s a constant voltage.

I stopped using work’s Note8 when Assistant refused to give meaningful results always insisting I had to configure something more—but it would always just loop back to the main Assistant screen never hinting what mysterious additonal configuration I was missing.

A good use for this: if you are using someone else’s computer under their login.

Spock says, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Captain Kirk answers, “Or the one.”

I use this:

If you’re the one who sometimes passes out you should stream it from HER phone.

If you’re the one who sometimes passes out you should stream it from HER phone.

I just use a metal paperclip at work. I’ve revived lots of iPhones this way. Just make sure you’re only touching the back of the port AND the narrow sides with the tip and you’re golden--the contacts are on the flat sides. I just dig everything out and sometimes it feels like emptying the lint trap on the dryer at

Get chickens - they magically transform unwanted leftovers into breakfast.

BTW-my local grocery chain (Wegman’s) carries it in large-ish bags in the International section. It is also available in large-ish bags at your friendly neighborhood Asian grocery store.

Cue anecdotes by angry MSG “sensitives”.

More than likely someone has disabled UAC on that computer. Tsk tsk tsk.

Okay, so the #READINGISHARD was uncalled for, but “glass is glass” is completely dismissible along with your adversarial attitude. Begone with you. I will spar with you no more.

Okay, so the #READINGISHARD was uncalled for, but “glass is glass” is completely dismissible along with your

You got it: most “cheap” glasses are thicker. Thicker glasses experience greater temperature stresses when placed in water because the surface is trying to expand. Also, glass is manufactured with a variety of ingredients and different proportions of said ingredients—some enhance the strength, others enhance the

You got it: most “cheap” glasses are thicker. Thicker glasses experience greater temperature stresses when placed in

You may want to look into the details of glass production before you spout ignorance. Living near Corning, NY has taught me a lot.

You may want to look into the details of glass production before you spout ignorance. Living near Corning, NY has