
I'll be honest, I read the article, a grown man should know better than to point anything that looks like a gun at random people. Not happy about it, but that is really reckless for this exact reason. Cops hear there's a guy on scene waving a gun around, pretty much they are going to spend the whole drive on the way

You are so right, friend. The fact that American cinema focuses on themes of individualism and the personal adventure, rather than glorifying our magnificent state apparatus, is at the root of this problem. Producers should really focus more on themes like the triumph of will and martial vigor, and use serious

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Tracy, I'll just leave this here for you....

Keep documenting.

This comment made my life.

Do you think that would stop people from being competitive, exclusionary, and generally cruel when it comes to dating? I put the vestigial part in there because I don't think having kids or not makes a difference when you're evaluating whether or not someone is good enough to be romantic/sexual with you.

Complainers complain. Salespeople sell. I learned that lesson a long time ago, and it made dating a lot easier for me. If anyone's feeling a pity party over their dating prospects, my suggestion is remember that you are (at least vestigially) competing in a biological race to see who can outpropagate their genes on

I think that was the actress's point. She doesn't want to get laid by shitheads, she wants a situation with a man where she feels pursued and liked by someone she wants to pursue and like her.