
He is a classless white trash guy that has money. He doesn’t get what class looks like, he thinks 1970s vegas is classy...

The US is super conservative about changing it’s money because of how it’s used worldwide. Some countries use it as their main cash, and opec exclusively (I believe) uses dollars for oil.

An “ok” track record. Green Arrow went off the rails, Flash is semi good, and legends of tomorrow is hilariously good/bad. They need to amp things up.

Hmm, kinda jumping the shark.

LGBT are already represented more in comics than their actual representation in society. But honestly it doesn’t change the story at all if their preferences are difference. Just different cardboard cutouts that they can later kill for motivation.

Her legs look great to me.

Muggle is such a good word that changing it is a bad idea. I know the reasons, but imagine changing “Jedi” to “Flopvart”. It’s just weird.

When I was young and thinner, I used to do wheelies all the time.. and to this day I dream about it.