
I’m more afraid of jellies than sharks tbh.

Yes, that comedy of errors is, measure for measure, much ado about nothing.

Don’t speak that way about hamsters.

+1 Rob Ford freestyle rhyme

If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.

Uh, so sitting makes your nuts hurt, stand up bro. My tits are gargantuan but I dont get to just slap people with my elbows because they get mashed up. Jesus.

Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.

Agreed, but apparently not prosecco, though...

Full disclosure: I am mainly checking the comments to make sure that nothing I’ve sent ends up here.

False. You have tons of options, and this is just North Korea! If you’re a soulless Westerner, imagine the possibilities.

This dog did such a good job! No way in the world my doggie could’ve sat still for that long with his people so far away, haha.

You got it!

Well, she did get an award, more than one actually. Best Actress Canadian Screen Awards and I think 2 golden globes. Course then they are not U.S. awards?

Hey...itheedread folks - can I just make a point here? I love this concept for a feature. My wife loves the concept of this feature. But both of us are just a *wee* bit bothered by the title of it. I am not her husband. She is most DEFINITELY not my husband! (The type of ignorant-ass straight folks who would ask

Yeah. You tell that to Quebec. They just loved fighting British wars. So much so, the Canadian government only had to conscript them into the army. Both times. Both world wars.

No more Harpers, no more Fords! That shall be my voting cry.

Compromise: "...And all Poutine is Grand."


OH NO YOU COULDNT USE A SLUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The British do this too- they call real hockey "ice hockey," and field hockey just "hockey." But they are wrong, and that is why they no longer have an empire.