
As much as all white supremacists are filth, I find myself hating more the ones who are all about screaming “White Power” and “Blood and Soil” and all that other reprehensible shit, until they find themselves in a situation where they’re facing either physical retribution or some other consequence for their actions.

What really bothers me is that no one seems to get (or deliberately ignores) that the Nazi Party didn’t just come to power and then boom, instant Holocaust. Any time you point out the disturbing parallels on our current path some apologist, either rightwing or left, will invariably say “how dare you, it’s not like

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

Its weird to me so many people trust corporations but distrust the government.

This stood out to me as reported by CNN on the white supremacist who killed in Charlottesville.

“Im not a racist i just want to pay less taxes. So what if i have to elect a racist who will mostly lower the tax burden on the obscenely wealthy while taking away healthcare for the poor. That extra $5/mo i save in taxes is goddamn worth it”

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.

That’s because Fox News is a complicit party in creating this white supremacist persecution complex. They should be branded a hate group.

My personal favorite so far. (they were asking for use of the pictures of protesters being arrested in NYC)

“Watch Kessler’s entire statement below, if you have the stomach.” 

David Duke’s tweet explains it all. Trump is probably fighting with himself because he knows the Nazis/White Supremacists/KKK support and voted for him. He didn’t denounce them during the campaign because as a business person he knew those were votes and he didn’t want to lose them. We know how he feels about

Fuck every last one of them....

We as a society really need to get over the idea that there are two equal sides to every story. No, we don’t need to have a “dialog” about everything. The world is round, climate change is happening, humans are a product of evolution by natural selection, and racism is wrong. Period. When you treat these people like

For my part, it’s this effort (the “Election Integrity” advisory commission) that scares me the most about the current administration. I guess that I feel that way because all the other noise and BS we see out the administration is so ostentatious and obvious that it seems so much easier for insidious efforts like

My entire extended family is on Guam. They’re holding up remarkably well given the threat of nuclear annihilation is literally around the corner.

They should build this border fence out of her emails since nobody can get over them.

Deep State! Fake News! OMG!

Anyone else thought it was Pratt who wanted to have 20 kids to please the Lord?