“Climate science, like other fields of science, is constantly changing. A new, fresh and transparent evaluation is something everyone should support doing.”
I’ve joked-but-not-really that if/when 45 and his horrible family and cabinet go down, the powers that be should liquidate all their assets and pay reparations to the American people.
The sheer amount of support that Trump — adulterous, sacrilegious, philandering bigoted Trump — from right-wing American Christians just shows how morally bankrupt and empty modern US evangelical culture is. They’ve basically turned into an auxiliary of the Republican National Committee, with no consistent values or…
A photo of a woman on her knees cleaning = support for Trump. I guess she’s staying on brand..
I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.
I am so fucking sick of conservatives pearl clutching at shit Trump says and then still supporting him when it comes down to it (I don’t know specifically about Joe and Mika but just in general - all these Republicans taking to social media to show their disapproval). Fuck you dudes. You heard the pussy grabbing tape…
We’re all watching a predator at work.
M: Andrew. Its Bob. You got a second?
“Sure Bobby, you can try out for the football team. Just an FYI, everyone on the football team is in the bible literacy class. It’s an optional class, totally your choice whether you take it or not. It won’t impact whether you make the team. Just want you to know that everyone on the team is in the class.”
Susanna Reid will one day stick a stiletto between Morgan’s ribs and serenely watch him bleed out.
i do not have sienna miller permanence - as soon as i close this browser tab, i will have forgotten who she is.
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
Since the Cold War, Russia has become a proper, full-on oligarchy. When you strip it down to its naked truth, you will find that the established core of the USA’s Republican party wants nothing more than to make America as much like Russia as possible in terms of distribution of wealth.
The only people with money in…
Anyone else sense a GoT style back deal going on here? Maybe Wray is really in with Christie and Christie told Wray to screw over Trump at the right moment as payback for Trump’s cucking of the NJ Gov?