Sure thing. Thanks so much for asking.
Sure thing. Thanks so much for asking.
Respectfully Mr. Spicer, that is not ‘Fake News’, that is a mistake in reporting based on latter information that came out. News stories were _corrected_.
i tried but i’m not good with anything related to making memes
I’m thinking that a “handler” wrote it.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
For some reason, I am going to take your bait, Rant Guy.
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
“According to ABC, one parent posted on social media that students should respect Ryan because he has a fancy job, no matter how much you may want health insurance someday.”
Dude found a parking place in Times Square!?
“Roger would it kill you to stop harassing the women who work at Fox News?”
Such a tragic loss. I sure am going to miss Chris Cornell.
Thoughts and prayers.*
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”
As HamNo would be the first to state, inequality isn’t hard to explain. It’s being driven primarily by a decoupling of productivity with wages among the working class.
I really liked this one, too:
Or would it be more appropriate to say..... spooning? ;)
Sorry to hijack a Shade Court thread, but I’m so fucking excited about this and I figured y’all would want to see it, anyway. ;) My new tattoooooo!
Its Murdaaaaaaaaaa
To admit to voting for Trump was a mistake takes a level of self awareness that Trump supporters do not possess. They have bought into the Amway. The time share in Boca. The pyramid scheme. They have paid for the extended warranty on their leased Toyota Avalon. They are the temporarily inconvenienced future…
This is the real reason the men of Fox News are in panic mode and why I’m smiling this morning (her ratings are up 93%!!)