Steve Bannon is not uneducated. It defies belief that someone who understands Wall Street and capitalism
I always assumed Steve Bannon‘s origin story involved a bottle of Dewars and a tube of hemorrhoid cream exposed to Gamma radiation.
A robot is played by a white person. How can anyone possibly enjoy it knowing that Calculon is currently out of work?
So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?
I married my husband because he looks like Ewan McGregor’s younger brother. I even get him to talk to me in a Scottish accent when I can’t reach orgasm.
You know what these guys really need? A $54,000 per year tax cut so that their conspicuously consumed dollars can trickle down to the 24 million who are soon to be without health insurance.
The response from the N.C. Democratic Party was beautiful.
Oh fuck this guy. Welcome to being an adult, your shitty hateful actions have consequences, and one of those consequences is that everyone thinks you’re a shitty, hateful bigot now.
It’s good that SNL has finally stopped pulling the punches with Ivanka. She’s playing such an active role in the Presidency that she is totally fair game.
Breaking news: the FBI has been reviewing the activities of the Russian bank Alfa Bank, and stumbled into a connection between the bank and Trump’s servers. The plot thickens...
Prince Harry Waxed His Chest For a Woman
rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest it in their own healthcare.