
It is truly the parable of the Good Samaritan in action. If you see a man suffering by the roadside, “temporarily” ban your refugee program and praise your christian values in the same breath.

This has happened in the last 2 days: It came out that Sessions had 2 meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign, then lied about it under oath to the Senate (that part’s the felony).

Donald Trump isn’t a billionaire and he doesn’t have a ton of cash. Only Duestche Bank will loan him money because he’s helping them launder it for the Russian mob. His properties are all probably being used as fronts. One in Soho already got busted for that exact reason. If he had a ton of liquidity, American banks

“I first saw President Reagan as a foot, highly polished brown cordovan wagging merrily on a hassock. I spied it through the door. It was a beautiful foot, sleek. Such casual elegance and clean lines! But not a big foot, not formidable, maybe a little ...frail. I imagined cradling it in my arms, protecting it from

Irrespective of everything else, I’m tired of this “it was a good speech” nonsense. It was a crap speech. It was boring. There was no flow. It was disjointed. There was no overriding narrative arc. It was objectively worse than any major speech given by George W. Bush.

At least he will support an investigation into this matter, right?

I think I have a photo of him being arrested

Nope. Nope. The man in charge of determining the truth blatantly lied under oath.

Resign. Resign is the word you were looking for.

You people who think a republic cannot be a democracy blow my mind. You’re so fucking stupid. A republic can be a democracy. A monarchy can be a democracy. Examples of both exist on the North American continent.

What you really mean is, let New York and California have all the say and everyone else may as well fuck off, because the coastal elites clearly know what is best for everyone

See, the irony is that ACA was originally a GOP plan that was put into effect in Massachusetts by.... Mitt Romney.

Lover of liberty and tallest Keebler elf Rand Paul

it’s all makes sense now

Lord help us.

That little racist shit is going down. I love how the intelligence is leaking out at opportune times. Trump has to be PISSED that he finally got some positive press and then the Sessions story dropped.