
My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression

pls dont nevernude shame

“And if not bangable, who is the Naked Cowboy? ”

Think of all the 5 year olds, deprived of their chance to pull a coal cart for a farthing a day! The elderly and decrepit and mentally ill, all kept from their rightful position in a sweatship, behind chained doors, making shoes for pennies a week! An unemployed America is a morally bankrupt America, which is how you

Australia are 465 for 6 at Stumps on Day 4.

We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.

“Most People” includes the President-Elect, as he revealed during the debates.

The one thing I’ve found that most people who oppose free trade agreements could tell you about why the TPP was bad and worth opposing was because it unfairly benefitted China at the expense of America. China, of course, was not a party to the TPP at all. So, yeah, “dressed-up xenophobia rather than any real sort of

Viagra and Cialis are going OTC in 2017/18. Won’t even need to visit your doctor. You can run into Walmart, grab a sixer of Miller Lite, a gun and fix your slack dong all at the same time.

No BC. No abortions even in the case of rape. Fear of white genocide. They want to rape you into having children. It’s Gilead. Is another bleeding-heart lefty going to accuse me of being hyperbolic again? Are we going to continue being ‘nice’ and assuming the best of these misogynists as they strip away our human

Save this as a will be very useful the next four years. I especially imagine that “Women’s Health Care” will often be the second part of that headline.

Those are Digimon!

False Equivalency Alert

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

I also like going to the movies alone, because other people talk and steal my popcorn.

I love going to movies alone. It’s like one of my favorite things. Is this something weird? My sister was teasing me about it this weekend, which I just didn’t get. Is it weird that I am happy Kanye and I share this together? Yes, but I embrace that. 

That’s really funny. In all seriousness, though, Presidential communication is public record, though, so he won’t be allowed to delete any of his horribly misspelled tweets, though I doubt that will stop him from completely disregarding public record rules (just like Nixon).

This thin-skinned asshole blocked me on Twitter (for real) on Twitter two and a half years ago. How will I know if important developments in national and international policy happen?

Why was Trump staring at Barney Frank’s tits?