
This 80s nostalgia trend is getting WAY out of control.

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

Silver takes the blame because he’s the mascot of the super-scientific secret-sauce predictions crowd, but him and the Upshot guys and the Princeton Election Consortium nerds and everyone else who convinced us the Democrats had this one in the bag all have to look in their mirrors every night for the rest of their

Also, what radical social engineering? This is exactly how your state was UNTIL MARCH OF THIS VERY FUCKING YEAR!

people need to learn to separate criticism of an entity from criticism of the individuals who make up that entity. Hating “Whiteness” as a structural inequity is way different from hating “You, White Person”. Same way I can say “organized religion is awful” and respect You, A Religious Person, exercising your shit.

Hollywood is especially tough on our Asian American actors and actresses. It’s really unfair.

God this made me laugh my ass off.

He’s no longer draining the swamp. He’s just setting up his new cabinet HQ there.

Newt Gingrich was on the radio this morning saying that the phrase “drain the swamp” is no longer in use with Trump. It was just something that sounded good to crowds to get elected.

“Drain the swamp” means different things to Trump voters than it does others. People on the left keep thinking “his voters will turn on him once they see how he’s staffing his administration with political and financial elites.”

Come on, man. Camel toe was RIGHT THERE.

Especially all the Evangelicals who came out in droves to vote for a person who had long been a personifications of excess and greed. It’s like that Bible passage about how it’s way easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle if you grab it by the camel pussy.

“ . . . people who have made the attainment of money, rather than the attainment of ideals, the defining purpose of their lives. It’s hard to imagine that this is what all those Trump voters who wanted to stick it to the establishment were looking for.”

private Italian lessons from women he found through Craigslist postings is such a long euphemism

a 70 year old man who doesn’t exercise and eats only fast food is in bad physical health, you say? I’d never!

So they’re on the board but are not actually involved in any oversight? Basically they’re using the privilege associated with being close to the President to benefit without doing any actual work? Sound about right....

I am so glad we had the foresight to not elect crooked Hillary. We need more honesty and ethical behaviour. #DrainTheSwamp!

Oh come on.

The former waitress, who said she has been unemployed since 2004, spoke in a soft voice and told the judge she is receiving Social Security disability assistance.