I’m sure they’re much more excited about an immigrant taking Michelle’s job.
I’m sure they’re much more excited about an immigrant taking Michelle’s job.
-Me at every dinner party with Saudi Arabia
The same. Because they are dumb.
Woof. It’s too bad there weren’t people near by trying to warn people about this kind of thing!
I’d buy the lie that they care about babies if they gave a shit about it after it was born. But their policies prove they don’t. It’s about controlling women. They just keep using increasingly hyperbolic language to sell the baby-loving lie.
A blonde woman leaned over the guardrail to yell, “Better than killin’ babies!”
What? An early miscarriage is mostly blood and gunk? There’s no perfectly formed miniature baby to put in a super cute miniature casket?
We’re seriously seeing facism take root. I can’t even fully process this.
Oh, so NOW Yertle the Turtle is willing to entertain the probability of Russian interference?
He looks like he’s one bottle of whiskey and one cheeseburger away from a fatal heart attack. Quick! Somebody bring the whiskey and cheeseburger!
Some good news?
RIP america 1776-2016
I’m really getting tired of all the defensive Trump voters that are all, “hey, I’m not racist.” You know what? Even if you personally aren’t, you’re totally okay with electing a racist that talked about enacting racist policy and appointing other racists so practically, what’s the difference?
In the end, hate was all they cared about anyways. Hate for Hillary, Mexicans, Muslims, women, LGBT, et al. As long as they got to vote for their hate, they didn’t care about anything else. The crony capitalism, lying politicians, foreign-influenced policies, none of that mattered.
I didn’t think I could loathe Trump apologists more, but these people who answer every global concern with “Ha, ha, you lost!” are moving me toward violence. Yep, we lost. Guess what? So did you.
At this point it has to be some kind of fucking joke. If only Trump was subject to the Clinton Rules, we’d have endless investigations and maybe some of those conspiracy theorists could actually do some good. Fucking unbelievable to think that only 4 years ago Republicans were screaming bloody murder in the…
This is my response to all the old white folks in my family who voted for Trump: