
This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.

“Good news, Ms. Tequila, your security clearance has been approved!”

Is it sad that I’m surprised they fired him instead of giving him a promotion? It seems like having a disconnect with reality is the key qualification for having a high position among Trump’s team of advisors.

Please don’t let them replace him with someone worse, please don’t let them replace him with someone worse.

Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!

Thank god we dodged that HRC Corruption bullet guys

It’s the “I Got Mine” school of politics. Unless there someone in her family struggling with it, she gives no fucks. It’s like a politician being against abortion or gay rights until someone in their family needs one or is one.

I honestly don’t understand how people can be so cruel. Just gleefully, unabashedly horrible.

Of course child birth is perfectly safe, never has any physical side effects or pain, and the process of having and raising a child never causes women to experience a “range of emotions.”

I’m down, and if he and Colin Powell want to spend the interim 4 years doing a reality show where they race cars all across the USA, meeting constituents and solving the occasional crime, I’m down with that, too.

anything that erodes Trump’s credibility, mandate and authority—even a little—gets a vaguely helpless nod / desperate thumbs up combo from me.

Here is the congressional map for Iowa:

Or her Goldman Sachs cabinet! Phew! Lots of bullets dodged.

But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?

We are all about to find out what happens when oligarchs are allowed to run the system. Trump appears to be promoting a brazenly kleptocratic agenda. If there ever was a time for Hamilton Electors, this is it (so far there are seven).

This ruling needs to end with requirements to redraw ALL the districts nation wide based solely on population density. Districts should be as square and circular as geography allows.

Thank God this is on the docket and being heard before whatever batshit-crazy-flag-humping troglodyte former Goldman Sachs ass-monkey Trump appoints is seated on the court.

Although I don’t have a medical degree and am a man, I’ve decided to pursue a head OB/GYN role since I spent the most formative parts of my life in utero. You’re an inspiration to us all, Dr. Carson.

If ETP and SXL start drilling again in defiance of the Army Corp of Engineers, then the Governor of North Dakota and the local sheriff will surely have to go after them with water cannons, dogs, rubber bullets, and orders to evacuate, right? Right? Because they care about laws and stuff.