
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

“Let’s face it, he’s going to look out for corporations, to make things work for them, to bring jobs back home,” Terry said. “And as things trickle down — as they’re going to because it’s America — the little guy will get something, too.”

Terry is old enough that even if it didn’t really affect him at the time, he was around for the great lie of Reaganomics and the trickle down theory.

“As things trickle down...” that guy should look up where we get that saying from.

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

I, for one, am shocked, shocked to find that Trump is a lying con man. Nobody could possibly have known.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

In a word - violence.

He’s promising his fans the sun, the moon, the stars, free and instantly:

“You guys won, that’s clear,” Benenson said. “But let’s be honest. Don’t act as if you have a popular mandate for your message. The fact of the matter is that more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.”

Don’t worry guys! Someone set up a GoFundMe for Conway’s much needed exorcism:

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

My paternal genetic donor who is a trump supporter loves going on about the articles he reads on Facebook like they are the holy grail of knowledge.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.