
Edit accepted

I want to like this game. I’m a big fan of Vermintide 2, and I enjoy the 40k universe (satirically). It seemed like a slam dunk. And in some ways it is. The moment to moment gameplay is great. The combat is fun and crunchy, and the graphics and atmosphere are pretty top notch.

There is no difference between a credited sentence or two and an entire book. I am very intelligent.

It was the 80s, you think the editor wasn’t blasted out of his mind on coke while reading it?

I thought I’d read somewhere that he sold the rights for the Shawshank movie for $1000 (and then gave back the $1000 after seeing the brilliant film adaptation).  

For a guy who once, in a cocaine fueled haze, wrote a teenage gangbang in the sewers, King is pretty damned wholesome.

yeah...Dirge of Cerberus demands a recount!

Therefore, the best line of defense is one that might already not work for most people: Never take nudes.

They can release my nudes if they want, who fucking cares? That’s how I deal with this shit.

Yay! No slideshows!

The roller-coaster at the end of the universe. 

This is the quality content I want to see.

Take your star. But only because you used the best gif ever created.

You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

It’s interesting that the arguments of people rhetorically attempting to decouple any gas-stove/asthma connection sound eerily similar to the arguments of people who try to decouple a mask-wearing/covid-reduction connection or, conversely, to couple a connection between vaccines/autism. Glossing over any science and en

There are tax rebates and incentives for electrical updates:

Many. Most, arguably. The house I rent was built in 2018 and has no vent hood, just a microwave. That’s been the case for all but a handful of houses we’ve looked at in our (lengthy) homebuying search.

What a bunch of cunts. I feel like I might get banned for saying the c-word, but some people are just a bunch of cunts. Like Activision.