
Why on earth does anyone like earbuds? They don’t fit right, they get lost, they sound terrible, they’re more expensive. Why are they a thing?

Legitimate questions here:

The spoiler on my Toyota Corolla does VERY LITTLE to keep my car from flying off the road, therefore those spoilers on race cars are really just for vanity.

That would exponentially increase the amount of bureaucracy and labor required to keep track of that stuff. Then would be multiplied by 50 as each state would have their own opinion of what was a luxury and how much.

Would also allow an unprecedented increase in using lobbyists to squelch the competition. “You want

Her meaning was “you idiots won’t calm down and understand it until we pass it.”

She was only wrong in assuming after it was passed that the GOP would stop lying to the public about it and/or the public would realize it’s a good deal for them.

If you think she was saying it would be secret until after it was passed,

“Here’s medical advice to vulnerable women!”

Having gone to Catholic grade and high school, I wish someone would just ban Catholic schools from leading sex ed and require they get hire a secular, medically trained, external instructor and literature.

This was also a fairly liberal progressive school in a major city, not rural Alabama where I’m sure it would be

There was an interesting 538 article on that recently

Things that are keeping me alive today

- The little soul patch in the mansplaining icon

>I am one that is exasperated at the idea that those in large cities seem to get the idea that they are better than us in the “fly-over” states and that we are all just a bunch of rednecks and hicks.

... nevrmind... no delete option on kinja?

The motherboard article in the update says that yes, they’ve been overfed by the awful park they’re kept at. A different article I read said that the owners were using the drone to try to exercise the cats and get them thin again.

I assume there’s a good protocol for getting tigers to a healthy weight, and the owners

Name an organization or movement you agree with. I’ll give you a list of despicable acts THEY have not bothered to condemn.

It’s absurd to suggest that the ACLU has a responsibility to disavow illegal activities. You know this. You’re fooling no one.

Might be a good time to remind people that mass effect 2 is currently free through origin’s (sigh) “on the house” thing.

The policy points that Trump has put forth will result in a decrease on taxes for myself and my family. I was concerned about the direction some democrats are proposing in regards to closing certain tax loop-holes that I have benefitted from (such as the “trust fund” loop-hole)