
No offense to these history scholars, the most damaging conspiracy theory in history is religion. Full stop. The perpetuation that some omniscient and omnipresent invisible being/s setting up arbitrary rules and guidelines we must follow and have faith in have sparked more wars, murder spree’s, genocides, prejudices,

A kilogram of bananas (roughly seven bananas) currently costs roughly $45 in North Korea

Same here. My 3900X 12-core CPU with 32GB of RAM supposedly doesn’t support Windows 11 lol

And let’s not forget that you could also tweak the color settings for the walls/ceiling, and make things even more hallucinatory.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’d rather Jalopnik didn’t report on the ooh-ahh sensational aspects of accidents in which people got killed. “Isn’t it just crazy how this car got split in half by a tree? By the way the driver died!” isn’t what I want to see driving advertising dollars into Jim Spanfeller’s herb-encrusted pockets.

wow, I’d much rather go around stealing and crashing cars IRL, guess I don’t need GTA V anymore

Well, they *ARE* tethered to a sinking ship — by choice, that they keep repeating day after day. Because why change when you can force the world to stand still...said every tyrant, dictator, and monolothic business that don’t exist anymore.

im still of the opinion that GoTG is where someone in Marvel sold their soul, because there is no fucking way any of that movie should have worked.

2014, we are 6 years into the MCU. coming off the Avengers with the twin meh movies of Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 but on the heels of Winter Soldier. if you’d have told me that

I don’t understand why our liberal, enabling government keeps letting violent thugs like this roam our streets. If he would have just followed orders from his superiors he wouldn’t be in the situation he is in now.

Thankfully, modding and multiplayer make a world of difference in that regard.

Conservatives are totally the type of people to get their teenage nephew to do their design work for free instead of paying someone who knows what they’re doing.

Will I watch it. Yeah.

web network continues to praise sites for using “dark mode”.

Left wing PC bullshit run amok. First J.K. Rowling has to deal with some criticism for spreading harmful lies about trans people, now we’re canceling people just for openly fomenting violent sedition to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election in order to permanently install a white supremacist fascist

I know this is a lib website that doesn’t care about FACTS, but these 80 ballots are crucial, as they will tell us whether Donald Trump won Virginia by -406,386 or an even more crushing and very embarrassing for Sleepy Joe -406,306.

lifehacker  is all about the dark mode. has yet to get rid of the white background.

Ohhh....or Braun’s 0159 hybrid! That beauty sports a clean, minimalist analog face with an embedded no frills digital convenience display....simple and classy and maybe $80-$85ish...

How about a classic Casio? $25ish...

Despite being cancelled and having their voices silenced by the radical Left these Conservatives really do seem incapable of shutting the fuck up.