
This is very similar to the Meissner Tetrahedron. Slightly different—presumably to account for the “smaller volume than a sphere of equal width” bit—but also very interesting.

It would be foolish to attribute any level of cognizant thought to an AI. It does not have opinions nor the capacity to form them. This is just yet another in a long line of problems that have cropped up because we fail to realize that AI is less predictable than we think.

Those icons look nothing alike. They just both have “P” in them.

Ok but here’s the thing, cryptocurrencies are new and they’re complicated. Most people don’t fully understand how they work, yet they are constantly being sold the idea that crypto is the future and the only way to avoid being left behind is to get on board. It’s no different than the scams that steal pension money

Honestly when it comes to content alone I think it’s worse than Facebook.

I know how Twitter works, thanks. And I also know that without interacting with the app much, over the last year all of the apolitical content that used to be in the feed has vanished along with anything progressive and has been replaced with the worst of the worst. I definitely was not seeing overt Christian

It takes about two seconds on X to realize how bad things are over there. The entire platform is overrun with the most hateful, violent content. Constant calls for Christian Nationalism; outright and completely proud xenophobia, racism, transphobia, homophobia, and pretty much every other hateful viewpoint you could

I think it’s more “California vs Texas vs maybe Florida? vs Everyone Else”

Truly one of the biggest issues with AI that we need to contend with, even though it wasn’t the point I was originally making, is the ease with which it allows anyone to generate convincing disinformation. We’ve already seen how damaging false info can be to our society and our political structures, and with AI it’s

I am generally a proponent of information being freely accessible and available to everyone. But where is the line between an idea and a product? You can use general relativity in any application you choose, but if you were to copy the contents of Einstein’s papers on the matter and pass it off as your own, most

That’s not true. Many technologies are designed to improve the medium in which they operate. Cars aren’t just cheaper than carriage drivers, they’re faster, more reliable, and can carry greater loads. Computers didn’t just allow companies to stop hiring mathematicians, they are able to perform more complex

It’s pretty telling that 99% of the AI projects and news being released aren’t using the technology to create something new, but rather to create something that already exists without having to pay the people who would traditionally create it. There’s no doubt about the potential for these technologies to do really

Oh, for sure. Situations like that do occur. And frankly, I think it’s better to treat this as a minor issue of vandalism, rather than the way this article presents it. At a quick glance through the reporting you might think something truly awful happened, which feels disingenuous.

Cars have rolling codes that can’t be readily copied by a device like this. As for garage door openers, it’s really no different than buying a programmable door opener and using that. The panic around these devices is honestly overblown. The most nefarious thing 99% of users can do with it is open the charging port on

I think the baseline assumption that any given crime occurred just because it could is a dangerous one. That may well be the case, but it’s better to attempt to understand the grievances behind it, rather than assume there were none.

This is what modern political discourse looks like when one side is capitalist profit motives and the other side is just concerned citizens. The average person has no power in the face of corporate oligarchy. Whether it’s questions about the safety of autonomous vehicles, concerns about climate change, ongoing issues

You’d think it would be safer for the cable to be able to be pulled out if it gets snagged on something. But also, people have been putting normal battery packs in their pockets while they use other headsets and I’ve yet to hear of anything catastrophic happening as a result of their USB-C usage. 

This could so easily have been USB-C. There is absolutely no functional reason for it to use a new connector type.

This is incredibly unsurprising. Freely-available AI content generation tools have only been around for a short time and already they’re being used for exactly what we all knew they would be used for. We are not ready, as a society, for this level of disinformation.

This article seems misleading. There isn’t a ton of information on the students being hospitalized because it apparently was just an off-handed comment by one of the students who was interviewed. But it seems like a couple of students went to the hospital after vomiting, as opposed to the framing here that they were