
"It was all social controversy. There was no science controversy."
There is a well-educated individual. And well-spoken, too.

There's no mention of Evangelicals, but no discussion of American support of Israel is complete without them. For Evangelical Christianity is where Israel's biggest support comes from in the United States. Evangelicals are tightly united in fervent support of Israel, and since they follow the model of "if you're on

You raise an interesting question: Can one plagiarize oneself? For Mr Ozeri, at least, composes his own images (he actually shoots video and captures an ephemeral moment within it). I would think at least doing that much would introduce his concept, context, and personality, inasmuch as any photography can be

I think the point is to prove it can be done, and to push the limits of painting skill.

I agree—- if these were simply photographs they wouldn't be very interesting ones at all.

It isn't quite 100% male, but damn near close enough, it might as well be.

But then again, the vast majority of violent crime in general is committed by males and not by females. This is true all over the world and throughout recorded history. It is undoubtedly a biological difference, abetted by culture. And it has

The most interesting part of this was where Dolly Parton busted out her boobs to acquaintances in a restaurant without any provocation. Now *that* is a Southern woman with some moxie.

"and we are supposed to think it will work this time"

What gave us to suppose it would work this time? It probably won't.

If you have a problem with people bringing outsiders to your game, make a rule: NO OUTSIDERS IN THE GAME. Fixed it for ya.

You know, ADDRESS problems instead of just being a bitter little whiner about it.

to be fair, "forcible rape" is criminally distinguished from "statutory rape," incidents of which usually involve consensual sex with a person legally (i.e. by statute) declared to be unable to consent to sex, even if in reality they are able to. In many states, the "age of consent" is declared to be 16, 17, or 18,

Maybe it's a compliment for men because we need the motivation. When the going gets tough, we're liable to say "fuck it" and quit—- men walk out on families more than women, drop out of college more than women, and let their house turn into a slob-fest more than women. It might not be PC to say all that, but it's

The German prince who skis for Mexico was not only born in Mexico, he was also instrumental in setting up Mexico's ski federation and first ski station.

Poor long-term thinking... poor planning due to greed, greed, poor self-esteem letting your bosses walk all over you... that's pretty much true as much outside of porn as it is inside of porn.

The water falls from the sky for free. And if they own the land, the water from the ground's free, too.

Or why not slow the ball down? When you get past the press, pass it around because you have a power play. Chew up 30 seconds each time.

Score another round of senseless violence for the culture of honor!

Honor... what a worthless and backwards idea that is.

You know what, though. With the internet, you don't really need a home ec class. If you don't know how to do something, there'll be a website with a step-by-step.

They take their time in Mississippi

The majority of porn searches are NOT "ebony". "Ebony" is just the highest on the list. It could be as low as 5%, but if all the others are at 4% or less, "ebony" will top the list.

Those states also have very high black populations, interested in porn with black people in it.