You know what, though. With the internet, you don't really need a home ec class. If you don't know how to do something, there'll be a website with a step-by-step.
You know what, though. With the internet, you don't really need a home ec class. If you don't know how to do something, there'll be a website with a step-by-step.
They take their time in Mississippi
The majority of porn searches are NOT "ebony". "Ebony" is just the highest on the list. It could be as low as 5%, but if all the others are at 4% or less, "ebony" will top the list.
Those states also have very high black populations, interested in porn with black people in it.
You can add the federal government as well—- the highest paid federal employee is the football coach of Army (the West Point military academy)
"because she was fundamentally weak"
It's not a guy thing or a girl thing... it's a smug ignorant thing (on the asker's part). It's easy to sit back with a clear mind and say "I would've dumped him (or her)", but the fact is, if you've fallen for someone you don't always think with a clear mind. It's basic human psychology.
Besides Dora, of course, there's Kai-Lan (same concept but with coping and Chinese, instead of exploring and Spanish). Lots of shows have ensemble casts of mixed genders, with girls in main roles, like the Backyardigans, Bubble Guppies, or Team UmiZoomi. On Wow!Wow!Wubbzy, the main character is a boy, but his best…
I doubt that shaming them will make them less racist, but that's not the point—- it's to show them that we're the normal ones, not them, and it's our country, not just theirs.
"because candidates and parties would just flock to big states and cities and collect overwhelming majority of the national population."