
I feel like they're gradually moving to all original material. Don't do it, Netflix! Your stuff is good, but where am I gonna watch my X-Files? Don't make me subscribe to Hulu!

Wasn't there also a 2013 movie called "the Slender Man"? I feel like it's a stretch to use the word "finally" for this new flick.
Also, "the studio that brought you such horror masterpieces as Legion, Resident Evil: Afterlife, and the 2013 Carrie remake." Masterpieces? Are you sure that's the word you wanna go with?

I just need to point out that the photo caption reads "once-infant Tiffany." Like, can't we all be described as "once-infant"?

Gawd, I *wish* it were abnormal to hear people talk like this. But I really don't think his way of thinking is that unusual- at least, not as unusual as it ought to be. Still, I hope you're right- if it's an illness, that implies that he can be cured, or at least treated. But sadly, there's no treatment for

Robin Hood: Men in Tights is non-cohesive??

Platonic love/friendship between people of the same gender. This used to be a bigger deal back when people were typically divided along gender lines, only developing close bonds with people of their own sex, but now it's become weirdly taboo, to the point where guys often feel uncomfortable having close male friends.

Considering Robin has been underage through the majority of their time together (some versions even have Dick Grayson beginning his Robin career as early as nine years old!), that would be pretty effed up. Especially when you consider the traumatic nature of their bond. If you ever want to throw up in your mouth a

Joel Schumacher, who is openly gay, has basically admitted that he might have let too much of his personal life influence his choices in depicting the Dynamic Duo. But let's face it- there's a *lot* wrong with those movies, and the overt gayness is just the nip of the iceberg (let's see Mr. Freeze work that into a

Hell's Kitchen has always been as identified with Daredevil as Gotham City is with Batman. Between The Avengers, Spider-Man, and pretty much the entirety of the rest of the Marvel Universe looking out for the rest of New York, Daredevil (a more street-level hero not quite operating at an Avengers-level) has always

"Paper thin" is a good way to describe it. Like, did they ever even have a second date? I think that the actors have a good chemistry together, but the characters don't have much in common and have never really had any real moments together.
I would have preferred if they had focused on Elektra as the ultimate

That's what "Netflix for Kids" is for.

A summary isn't the same thing as an argument. The Lord of the Rings is basically just walking. Die Hard is just going up and down floors in a building. My Dinner With Andre is just a dinner with Andre. If you want to follow the (very engaging) story of the film, you might want to try paying attention to the personal

I have the sneaking suspicion that it wasn't exclusively (or even mostly) actual Native people who were offended by the joke- a joke that was not made about Native people, but about the practice of white-washing in our culture. There is a very thin and fuzzy line between holding people accountable for their hurtful

I reeeeally hope that the cover makes it perfectly clear to parents that this new Batman cartoon is most definitely NOT FOR KIDS.

I think the key is the different between *privately* held and *publicly* held beliefs (I agree that your workplace should NOT be policing your facebook or twitter feeds), but at the end of the day, when you hire a person for a job, you hire the whole package, and if it turns out that that package contains dangerous

That's not really what "conflict of interest" means, but I think we know what you mean, so good point.

That sounds like a just sentiment, but think about it: if we can't fire people for personal beliefs, then what can we fire people for? I'm not talking about religion or anything, but your beliefs kind of make you who you are and dictate how you do your job and interact with others. Maybe you believe that time doesn't

I have a facebook friend who changed her online name to "Happylife", and now I have to be careful not to tag her every time I want to wish someone a happy birthday.
People! If you are going to give yourself a silly name on facebook, think about things like how tagging will work first!

Riley was bland, and he and Gellar had *zero* chemistry together (I always felt weirdly uncomfortable during their love scenes, as if I were watching siblings make out), but damn it, I loooooved him. Total dreamboat <3

I agree, although I don't think it was that she was the least *interesting*. I think she was the least *likable*.