
I hate it when The Church of Latter-Day Sandlers comes to my door offering salvation and fart jokes.

Thought this was going to be about Team Fortress 2.

So…they were frontin'?

Yeah, that purple shirt is pretty boss.

I say, this Patton Oswalt fellow intrigues me. Is there any pop-culture website where I could learn more about him and his japes?

I hate The Song That Never Ends. It's way too repetitive.

Here under protest is "Beef burgers."

Troy goes balls-out ballistic!
"Listen, you" "terrible" "people" "need to step it up" "or" "I'll" "Frankenbite" "you" "all"
Anna reveals her shocking secret!
Anna: "I’m the chick with blue hair that’s on Big Brother."
Troy: "What a terrible thing to have happen to you."
But can the housemates pass

More importantly, will the dome, at any point in the show's run, be blown?

WARNING: Obvious joke incoming. If you have heart troubles, are currently pregnant, or are a fan of humor, stop reading now.

Shut up, you two!

I don't even own a Dakota.

It's time for you to become one of my team players.

Nobody gets in to see the Fuhrer! Not nobody, not no how!

Insert hand up ass here.

Damn lazy scientists. This is time that could have been spent working on a cure for superhero movies.

Oh, so that's why they refilmed the Hitler-killing ending in Casablanca.

What's a battle?

Fuck this.

But what's the name of that puppet game show?