
Your idea is much better. I'm down with that! Plus cop Iris and dorky Barry were great.

Please no.

And yet, Earth-2 Iris was awesome.

Honestly, I just want to watch the Jesse and Harry show. This season of the Flash has left me utterly disinterested with the Earth-1 characters.

I loved her as Amber in House. She had a great character and a heartbreaking arc.

Everything you said. Effort, time, people, tools (i.e., software and hardware)… Good VFX takes A LOT of work. Movies have the luxury of money and perhaps even more importantly: time. When movies finish shooting, they have months, even years to work on adding and improving the VFX. TV shows, on the other hand, have to

Cisco and Harry aren't anything like father and son though. They're more like vitriolic BFFs. And he definitely doesn't have that with HR.

I thought Harry was the best character in season 2. Certainly the one with the best character arc. I think you're in the minority of people who think Harry isn't an interesting character.

Really? Personally I was like, "Jesus, Barry, this is Cisco's moment. He's the one who lost a brother, not you. Stop crying already." I'm tired of his crying scenes. And now I can't unsee his bobblehead acting.

Obscurity? What, they suddenly gave up their dream of building STAR Labs for no reason? That makes no sense. In the original timeline (the one where Barry becomes the Flash in 2020), we know Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan founded STAR Labs and successfully built the particle accelerator. If Thawne doesn't kill them,

You are literally the only person I've seen say that they thought Joe moved into Barry's house. Especially since Barry's old house was a literal ongoing plot point in Season 1.

And it has Harry and Jesse. Potentially Jay Garrick. And also, awesome Cop!Iris.

I stil maintain that the best couple that's ever been on the Flash was E-1 Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan. Now those two had chemistry: "That's gonna get you kissed."

And Harry is definitely coming back too. Probably two different Wells this season. Maybe even three if EoWells somehow shows up again. Give me all the Wells!

He did it for 5 bucks? Man, Ed must be hitting hard times. It used to be 10 bucks.

I always thought they should have retained him for S5. Have him end up in the water with Jin. Since the writers strike foreshortened his story, I don't see why they couldn't have just killed him later.

I will never ever not hate Jack's reasoning for wanting to detonate that bomb. Closely related to that is Juliet suddenly deciding she wants in on that too. WHY?!

He also attacked Sayid when he was trying to setup that triangulation doohickey.

I'm thinking back to all the Locke/Ben interactions and, as far as I remember, Locke never physically hurt Ben. Threatened to kill him when he shot Charlotte but never actually hurt him. Huh. That's kind of mind-blowing especially considering how much Ben fucked him over again and again. Also considering Ben was

"I don't understand." No other line better encapsulated the arc of John Locke.