
The only part of the military that would need these are most likely the missions that involves saving lives. An Apache wouldn’t want to land in a combat situation. A hostage evac with a blackhawk would

But it could allow them to land nearby and save on fuel for a rescue that may take longer.

This level of technological knowledge isn’t surprising from the person that joined Tipper Gore in her war on video games when I was younger. Not exactly the type I want in charge of a government that needs to severely overhaul its IT. The future will be more and more electronics based and it’d be nice to have leaders

Nope, every time I slap down a truther I use all new text.

You’d think Cubs fans would own cups by now

Well he wouldn’t have gone pro in football, he let it so there was too many openings and the other team got a nice play in.

There would have been more if not for at least one level headed player on their team not only taking that teammate off the field, but you can see him holding back another player who was trying to start something when they went to huddle.

I live next to a high end boarding school that does recruit kids and give out scholarships here in PA, but with this private school the focus is more education than sports. It’s almost like the point of school for them is education, not entertaining locals with a sports program.

You keep changing goal posts every time you get called out on your BS and proven wrong yet you still stick to your “I’m just asking questions” line like all conspiracy theorists fall back on when confronted with how wrong they are. Now you’re trying to play a switch up like the other guy did and start calling people

A good rule of thumb with all you can eat situations is to value their time like you would your time. Spend 2 hours at a table and used up 30minutes of their time? Well if we call 15 an hour a basic livable wage and you used up half of that then for me if I paid less than 8 (round up, don’t be the person that tips

I think it’s a tad presumptuous to think that aliens have genders and care to define them. Also we don’t judge the conversations squirrels have with each other, do you think a species capable of coming here would see us as anything less in terms of difference between us? We aren’t as important to the universe as we

Rule of life for me. If someone’s neck is thicker than their head than their skull is thicker than their brain.

So the pieces of the plane and an impact crater and fuel fire that cannot be caused by anything other than a passenger jet are not evidence?

Here’s just a small sampling of actual EVIDENCE and not ACCUSATION.

I call people that ignore evidence and science idiots. Science doesn’t lie. Evidence doesn’t lie. People that think anything other than an jet airplane hit the pentagon are the ones who lie. So yes, I have been lied to by people like you.

Ignoring science and fact is indeed a challenge for me. Give me fucking evidence that it wasn’t a plane, not some insane accusation that it wasn’t. I have evidence and science on my side.

Sure, watching it and giving a running commentary while watching it.

I’m not gonna watch the link because I’m a fan of actual evidence. Tell me. How does a missle carry jet engines? How does it have incendiary fuel and not explosives? How do you think people that actually understand physics are going to fall for this shit. I’m tired of people ignoring science when it’s convenient.

Hey, we aren’t hunter/gatherer tribes anymore. We don’t have to resort to tribal vigilantism because someone decided to spend time with other people. But sadly when it comes to football it’s pure tribalism from pee-wee to pro.

Maybe, but you have to take in the mindset of a person and consider that it may have been an extreme like that. We’re fortunate to be one of the few generations that hasn’t ever had to commit an entire society to be of an enemy mind frame to another society so the human brain still reverts to an “us vs them” mentality