
recommended for Degrassi.

I found a lot of really interesting material on this subject while doing research for an article of my own. Down with the haters and misogyny - I've totally got your back.…

Be yourself, sing it sister!

I accidentally posted a similar story to Crosstalk not realizing you'd already beat me to the punch!! great story. This woman is my hero today. Real beauty lies in honesty and confidence. More of this, please!

Does this mean I can marry my vibrator?

shoulder stand motor boats bring me closer to zen

This is why I love America right now.

I really appreciate being Facebook friends with those who have passed. It's nice to look back on their photographs and remember, especially on days like their birthdays. Sometimes I even send private messages to them (is that weird?) reaching out for guidance and such. It's good to keep their memories alive.

No worries, Benson is on it. And she's a badass.

woohoo my school made the safe list! I think we also made the high times top 10 pothead schools list. correlation?

The best part is now I get cat loves every morning. As soon as I wake up, that's her cue to rub her head on my face, knead, and cuddle in my armpit while purring. I swear, one day cats like Buffy will make boyfriends obsolete.

I seriously just stared at this for like twenty minutes. or seconds. my concept of time is completely lost on this wonderful gif.

She is getting so many cuddles, I promise. I even bought her a new scratching board, and I'm pretty fucking poor right now. Does anyone else notice they spend more on premium cat food than they do on ramen+mac'ncheese?

She's strong, a survivor. Also, I figured with nine lives, she's probably died twice.

I highly recommend senior cats - They tend to me more laid back. Also, with older cats, there's no need to invest in weird ass swiss cheese style work desks. Does that make me ageist?! Meowza!

We literally just watched this. Noice. The only thing that would have made this film better is if it had been actually filmed in Evanston, and somehow involved John Hughes.

Yes, CATS!! I got a new cat this weekend, therefore I have NO CHOICE but to post pictures of her all over the internet. This is "Buffy", a twelve-year-oldish kitteh rescued from the streets of Englewood during Chicago's polar vortex. She lost most of her ears and tail to frostbite, and windburn made her permanently

Seriously. Isn't he going to have to tone it down for the network? The Late Show format is lamesauce

I love your posts BTW