
Are you watching Erased, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, or Grimgar this season? All three are worthwhile (although Grimgar might not be to everyone’s tastes, but it’s very much how I wanted SAO to actually be like).

Sure :)

That and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu,which more people ought to be watching.

That the ignoble cretin Ted Cruz has managed to slink his way up to this level of prominence in society is truly an indictment of society’s hierarchical system. That, and I really hate his odious demeanour. And face. His face is rather punchable.

It’s about having a successful launch and then seeing growth. It took the Wii a year to hit 20.13 million and there was a steady sales after that to the 100 million reported by the end. Obviously, whether the NX does well or not in the years ahead depends on the actual console and eventual library. As for people

I reckon the NX could conceivably be released by Christmas, but Zelda will be pushing it indeed. They’ll be coaxing Aonuma though.

Pokémon and Zelda are two of their biggest franchises. We’re already getting all sorts of surprises for Pokémon and it’s only February. If they are going to release the NX this year, you can bet that Nintendo will be pushing Aonuma to finish the new Zelda either this year or early next.

Nintendo’s not going to let an

*Undoubtedly not undoubtably. Gordon Bennett, that’s bad!

What with it being Pokémon’s 20th and Zelda’s 30th anniversaries this year, if they decide to release the NX with new Pokémon launch titles (and the Wii U Zelda being ported), it will undoubtably be a hugely profitable year for Nintendo.

A High School Musical if you will?

So your strategy for playing Cluedo is Cluedo. Revelatory.

Isn’t it ironic?

It’s still not ironic Alanis!

It might be like rain on her former wedding plans though.

Do I sense a JoJo’s Bizarre Pokémon Adventures on the horizon?

You know, Lucasfilm should have a run at making Full Throttle into the first successful video game movie adaptation. You could even rehire Hamill for Ripburger.

Fellow Brit here. No it’s not just you. Aside from differing comedic sensibilities, frankly, SNL has never been that amusing (in any period of time, regardless of what people tell you) save for a few solid performances and sketches every so often. Most of the material is dross and milquetoast by virtue of having to

So that’s where she’s been Teleporting off to the entire time!


Well Cliff and Norm have to live vicariously through somebody after all these years!

Assuming you’re in NTSC regions still (because all 3DS/2DS systems are region locked):

All 3DSs and New 3DSs play DS games as well. To play GBA and DS, you’d need to go right back to the DS Lite which is $109 on US Amazon (you’d then need to buy a US adapter). I think it’s actually imported from the UK, but thankfully

Only because Scorsese didn’t win for Raging Bull or Taxi Driver. Good thing the man produces at least one classic every decade.