
It’s okay, you can join your fellow FX fans lamenting the complete lack of attention The Americans receives, which is a whole other level of BS. Other actors are truly great, but nobody transforms and manipulates himself so subtlety as Matthew Rhys does.

Also: the novel is funnier.

Denzel rocked that speech. Completely endearing. You know what, Denzel Washington better, more acclaimed, and higher profile roles than in The Equalizer and The Magnificent Seven remakes, but as long as he’s enjoying it, then good on him. Here’s to many more years of work.

Agreed. Best show on television.

I’m happy for John Hamm. I would have also accepted Bob Odenkirk or Rami Malek. Maybe one of these years Matthew Rhys will be nominated for The Americans.

The Martian is amusing and irreverent, but it uses comedy in the same way Hamlet or other Shakespearean tragedy (or any other decent drama really) does: to serve as a break between the drama to give the audience emotional respite. It’s a drama primarily.

Spy is the funniest comedy nominated and so hopefully it wins. Tra

Alicia Vikander was robbed for Ex Machina!

I don’t trust The Mirror, but if there were ever a time...

Surely this is just method acting to ensure a deep character portrayal? This film is going to be great. *Makes mental note to remind mum that we need to see it*

EDIT: Holy shit, June Whitfield’s bloody 90!

Update: Somebody’s quickly deleting their shit.

I think the idea is to show off as little material as possible...

I am a bad person. Then again, so are they. If you can’t joke about—no, this is one of those non-jokeable offences. Seriously, fuck these flagrant racist dudebros (or actually don’t...dammit).

What colour is the face?

#WhitenBlack or

I genuinely hope Nintendo develop another top-down/isometric Zelda title soon. A Link Between Worlds is an utter joy and well-balanced game.


In light of new evidence regarding your unparalleled gingerbread consuming ability, I suggest we form a pact to share the presidency and encase the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a gingerbread coating that is both terrorism deterrent and delicious.

Terrorists will be like: “Do you see a white house? All I see is a

I also know where it is, and its fallibility as a terrorism target, owing to my film and television-watching career. I am a prime candidate to be the next President of the United States (other than the small complication that I am not from the US).

“Hillary doesn’t have time to watch TV! I’m just saying, out of the two

Honestly it’s been so long that my favourite scenes are fairly amalgamated, so now that I’ve got the DVDs I’ve been going through them slowly. Some early season gems (aside from the ones that are always mentioned like The Parking Garage, The Deal and The Chinese Restaurant) are The Phone Message, The Pen, The Pony

Now playing

Tipping Jar must have The Human Fund: Money for People, otherwise it’s fucking casual (you know, outside of being pub casual)...A belated Festivus everybody.

It’s okay, we’ll just be satisfied that Shirobako will be remembered long after Shimoneta has bitten the dust with its mediocre execution.

Blue and Maroon? What kind of stealth assassins go around killing people surreptitiously with bloody embroidered blue and maroon unless they’re assassinating people in the sea or in red-brick council housing? It’s alright I suppose, they can just hide in crowds and shit. This film with be the fucking worst.
