Cheers. It was definitely an ego-boost to know that not every mental faculty was degenerating as badly as Shuhei stated early on.
By the by, thanks for highlighting series that people probably missed.
Cheers. It was definitely an ego-boost to know that not every mental faculty was degenerating as badly as Shuhei stated early on.
By the by, thanks for highlighting series that people probably missed.
Ah so that’s what you meant when you said this. Okay cool. Your method of whodunit may have worked, but even with the howdunit the clues are actually presented from the inciting incident if you watch closely and make inferences in tone etc. Like I said before, Morie and I had the entire thing figured out by Episode 4,…
Really, it is only in the final three episodes that clues vital to solving the mystery start to appear.
MementoMorie and I had accurate speculations by Episode 2, it solved by Episode 3 in what turned out to be surprising completeness, and everything in absolute place by Episode 4, so this statement is false. The clues…
I’m probably doing the same with my family, so I hope you enjoy doing that, and Merry Christmas!
I know it sounds insane, but seriously consider giving it another go at some point. I found I was much more enthralled the second time.
I felt completely that way when watching it the first time. On my second viewing, I can see how it might be able to stand on its own, and for me at least, the A New Hope template faded into the background. It’s a decent film in its own right. Not the greatest Star Wars film made, but good.
The prequels referenced back…
Firstly a SPOILER warning would probably be a good idea if anyone gets this far down. Speaking of which MILD SPOILERS BELOW.
Secondly, you compared it to a Phantom Menace, so I naturally compared it to a Phantom Menace’s story. It’s widely acknowledged that it takes A New Hope’s story, but you know what, it…
The Force power escalation was poorly justified (though the cause was actually implied and almost outright stated), but I disagree that restoring the mysticism and linking feeling and the Force was a bad idea. Perhaps it could have been applied a bit more consistently, but it is no where near as bad as midichlorians,…
It really does grow on you and not in the state of denial sort of way! The strengths of the film (the acting, comedy, effects) remained, but the A New Hope template faded into the background completely. While I recognised that those familiar beats were invigorated the first time, the film really does successfully…
Look, I was a bit underwhelmed the first time I saw it and was critical of the story structure, but on second viewing today the film held together much better and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s a pretty solid film (deus ex machina aside) and in combination with the best acting Star Wars has had, the integration of…
Both my mum and dad’s families were very poor and so both desperately wanted to believe in him even though he never came for them as an escapism. My mum particularly used to help run her household and effectively took care of her younger sisters exclusively and so hoped that one day Father Christmas would reward her,…
I genuinely did the exact same thing pretty much every Christmas. I’m really glad my parents indulged those fantasies, because as a consequence Christmas is still the most magical and my favourite part of the year. I love going out and choosing Christmas presents for family, particularly when my brother still didn’t…
I believed for a good many years that I was indeed the first person to see—nay notice—my baby brother on the day he was born. My mum let me hold onto that one for a significant time, probably because I was so excited, and had cried at Christmas the year before because Father Christmas hadn’t brought me the brother I…
BB-8 and John Boyega could easily have a buddy-Stroomtrooper spinoff. That’s how good BB-8 is. The only other character that steals the show more than Han Solo is BB-8. Everyone is pretty superb though.
Prehensile quiff that was unable to regain its shape after being pelted with rotting eggs by tykes on Halloween and so decided to get revenge.
“We should be talking about if regime change is a good idea. Is regime change is a good idea?” - Rand Paul
He does realise he’s taking part in a presidential primary debate right?
However, if it were legally possible, I too would support another term for Obama.
Would you consider yourself a valuable tool, Mr. Rubio, or simply a tool?
No, it’s definitely true. I mean, what with all the shit that comes out of him, it’s clear that he undergoes daily colonoscopy, and colonoscopies are great for health checks. I only hope that the anal probe hurts as much as possible.
I’m more just jealous that they have all of that The Force Awakens stuff to play with. My judgement isn’t at all clouded by the fact that all of the The Force Awakens toys disappeared before I had a chance to buy any in my city. It’s alright though, I just bought my ticket to see the film on the 16th in a uncrowded…