
I finally was able to watch Trainwreck the other day, and while I don’t think it was Schumer remotely at her funniest, the film mainly suffered from being overly long which killed the humour and momentum. The pathos was pretty moving though at times. Melissa McCarthy was far funnier in Spy, which was a solid spy film

He’s managed to pair up the interviewees pretty expertly this year for sure.

Now playing

Friday’s interview was easily one of the best interviews Graham’s had this series, but the top one is probably (yes I’m posting it again) Miriam Margolyes and (and Greg Davies). The Robins Williams one was also very special. Joan Rivers was a stand out from a few years back too. Joanna Lumley, Daniel

My mum and I used to watch it together when it was on television. Then I bought the box set one year for my mum as a Christmas present and we periodically binge the series together. The set up and execution of jokes are brilliant, and it’s relatively timeless because it rarely references contemporary events (compared

Then you are incredibly wrong I’m afraid, but that’s alright. Different strokes.

If by brown coffee table show you mean one of the most intelligently written and funniest farces of all time then yes, it is a brown coffee table show. I may sound irrationally defensive about this, but it genuinely is a great example of comedy writing that most series could only hope to emulate.

Found a gif worthy of yours. And thanks.

I can see that. Edited the last sentence of first paragraph for clarity, but Freud would indeed have a field day!

So back in 1998, my older brother came to me asking for help. He was in a quandary as his ex-wife had arrived unexpectedly seeking comfort due to her new husband deserting her, and my brother, prone to a slight Messiah complex when it comes to vulnerable women, in addition to his repressed feelings of attraction

My Holy Trinity Church Stratford-Upon-Avon keychain is tingling with excitement...I’ll have to see if I can make it to the West End or Globe next year. *crosses fingers*

Fairly sure the top row has a probability equation for a particle in a ring, but it’s honestly been a while since I’ve looked at those equations properly.

Honestly, I think Rhys does some of the most subtle acting on television and he just transforms himself with every wig change (not to mention that he guises that thick Welsh accent completely). I’m hoping that he and Russell has an illustrious career after The Americans ends. I’m looking forward to more of Henry’s

Mr. Robot’s pretty excellent actually. Or at least an addictive watch that really has no place being on USA by any means.

Also, just because I’m being a contrarian, Fargo is currently the best thing on television, until it is supplanted by The Americans when that finally comes back. Fuckin’ Piage man. They should be

I wonder if they’ll ever adapt George’s Marvellous Medicine? My mum and dad used to read that, James and the Giant Peach, The Enormous Crocodile, The Witches, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory almost daily when I was little (they had a lot of patience). Sometimes we’d go down to the train station and sit on a

I know. Kudos to human being on reddit who took the picture.

Fine! I’ll make my own party with elephants! And egrets! In fact, forget the party!

Sorry, but seeing after baby joeys, koalas, warthogs, lion cubs, pandas, otters, elephants, and pretty much every other animal, the appeal of the groundhog is not going to sway me.

That’s awesome and well done for getting on with things. I, on the other hand, have been struck done with illness preventing me from entering the labs at the moment, which is really pissing me off, because I want to get on with some chemistry! So life is at a bit of standstill.

Hope they’re going alright!

I know, I was just trying to riff off of you (and failing...I’m sick, forgive me. I swear I have better stuff). Still, I would go with Voldemort. Probably could convince him to go after Trump and leave Harry alone. Plus, sex might liven him up a bit and he could forgo the whole “muggle-extermination” thing.