
Well, considering 2016 is the 20th Anniversary (Huzzah!), there will either be another remake of Red/Green/Blue, or a new generation will be revealed. It’ll have been around three years by that point since XY, so this film will be one of the first tie-ins for Gen VII.

Well great. Thanks to you, I’m imagining Lizzy Caplan as a Ghostbuster, and thus will be interminably disappointed that she is not in the film. I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO IT TOO! ;)

Sidenote: Party Down cast as Ghostbusters? Even if it’s part of the Ghostbusters multiverse, I want that Party Down film eventually.

Just checking to see if I’ve been banned.

Anyway, thanks for keeping me up to date on comics Evan. I started Saga thanks to your recommendation a while back.

Well, we know what Jordan Sargent might...

Yeah I know it’s a bit of a cheap shot.

Honestly, it did cross my mind, particularly when I got the post where apparently I’m derisive about Patricia playing Pokémon because she’s female ( if she were a Patrick, of course that would be a different story). I mean, I realise that it’s not the greatest joke ever written, but nobody can be that obtusely blind

Fair enough. I edited the ;) to an explicit “sarcasm” to make it clearer. Unfortunately this hasn’t helped some people, but thank you for nudging me to make it clearer anyway.

I have no clue to which post of mine you are replying, so either you’re making fun of people playing Pokémon or actually saying trolling is fun. In either case, you are absolutely wrong (Pokémon is my favourite series), but if it IS the former then I will star you for making me still grin a little.

The whole point of the vetting system is to prevent trolls from getting away with that sort of thing. If you’re unconvinced that I was sincerely lampooning actual trolls (who write this sort of shit to Patricia all the time) not actually trying to be one myself, then I’m not sure how to prove it, but seriously, it was

I just want to add, in case it’s not clear, that I think that woman and her baby handled the arduous trip amazingly well, and I hope that dad was lambasted for being such an arse.

I sat through “The Happening”. I couldn’t get to sleep. It was mandatory hell. I still see flashes sometimes.

Seriously though, 11 hours on Brussels Air from Luanda, Angola, to Brussels with a long stop in Kinshasa, replete with endlessly crying and vomiting baby beside me was pretty bad. The father just fucked off to

Just in case I’m reported for harassment or something on your “Troll” blimp Patricia, I want to assure you that it was a joke. Not many of the other Kotaku bloggers talk about strange tidbits such as this, and they can be interesting (particularly Pokemon stuff).

Lots of love and good internet vibes, as I fight off

That is the whole point though. If it weren’t accurate ( the serious trolls are unbelievably vindictive when it comes to Patricia), then there would be no reason to post it.

And here I was hoping that the endless proliferation of quips on Kotaku would allow this one to pass the censors.

Should I add “I love Patricia will all my heart and this is a joke” just to be clear?

/sarcasm mate. Surely that’s the obvious joke response to the article.

Plus, Pokemon is awesome, and always will be.

Does ;) mean nothing or will my “sarcasm” edit suffice?

I mean for goodness sake, surely it’s the obvious response.

This is the worst idea for an article EVER. How is this even relevant to gaming? Go back to playing Pokémon like a little kid Patricia.


Poker’s not in the same category either. It requires a hell of a lot of skill, but it definitely is not the same as other physical sports. Golf and Ping Pong are terrible comparisons, considering that the equipment acts as extensions and are not reliant on the mechanical at a basic level. Before you suggest cycling as

Now playing

Different dynamic, but very well done.

Your Lie in April is more similar to Kids on the Slope and is definitely work a look. Here is the intro btw, which is lovely:

You know what, you’re right. The name won’t change anything. I’m more annoyed when people try to argue that it is a sport in same sense as other athletic events, which they do, frequently. That said, the definition of Olympic sport also allows things like pistol shooting, which is also involves timing and precision

It’s very hard even as a Kotaku reader to take that term seriously. Can it be entertaining to watch? Yes. Does it require certain levels of dexterity and fitness? Yes. Is it the same as continuous physical wearing of muscles and body? No. I appreciate that it’s competitive and requires skill, but it’s not directly