
I’m hoping HBO give him longer running times or weekday specials given that it’s the elections. They’d be crazy not to capitalise on the fact that it is the most influential show of the new batch.

John Oliver is up to the challenge!

“I’d like to thank my parents for buying me various Pokémon games over the years, and Octopit, for giving me this unique opportunity.”

Snorlax would be fine against Sharpedo, especially if you’d been taught Brick Break to take advantage of your above average Attack stat. You would take a bit of damage to your HP thanks to said Sharpedo’s Rough Skin ability, but you’d be alright. So just invest a bit of time in martial arts, or get a quick-fix steroid

Just wait till he puts the moves on as Charmeleon. That thick, strong horn makes everybody swoon.

Tangentially, I’m really annoyed that they took Metal Claw off his regular move list. Breeding though am I right?!

You sound like a seriously fantastic person btw. Kudos.

Seeming as you used the term foodie, I’d say you don’t have to worry about the calibre of Lay’s Truffle-flavoured crisps. It’ll satisfy your mundane tastebuds.

Thanks for the approval! :)

Does Pokemon Silver helping me to overcome my inability to recognise patterns and read as a consequence of my disability count as a victory? Pokemon sort of saved my life in that regard.

The way she tells the story, I’m fairly sure my then-single mum would have gone over, were she not trapped in a small car with the rest of her family. I would not have been born, but hey, it’s Omar Sharif.

My mum was really upset. Only added to the pain of her newly broken ankle. He called out to her once while stopping at a traffic light back in the 1980s. It was a pretty big deal.

“Oh fuck, my brother just murdered nine black people in a church that is historically pertinent to the civil rights movement, thus emphasising how deeply the racial divide and general racism are entrenched in society.”

“Oh fuck, this will affect the wedding won’t it? But how might one recoup the money lost?”


Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Arrested Development, Party Down. Of course, if we’re going for classics: Cheers, Frasier, Seinfeld.

“True believers” are left standing on Earth with their thumbs up their asses.

The crowd’s singing it better...

Look, by all means, go for a cover if you want to, but don’t play the original over the top and emphasise how much your attempt pales in comparison.

I’ve got my peace sign/shark tooth string necklace at the ready. Just so all the ladies know that I’m totally in tune with nature, but in a really macho way, you know?

Better strap on my guitar too. Acoustic, for that REAL sound.

You know, I think people against gay marriage are just a bit scared of the Gay Rapture...
Wait, what? You’re saying it’s a Rave?

Hold on guys they’re just worried about a Gay Rave. Stiffs. More fun for everybody else :)

Happy Pride Parade Day everyone!


I’m most impressed that you took out the rubbish. It’s hard to do that of one’s own male volition when one is sober.

And yes, male volition should be a phrase. It’s a reaction energy barrier unto itself. I apologise on behalf of a significant proportion of my gender.

I’ve never had a search due to hair, but thanks to being a fairly light-skinned Indian man who occasionally doesn’t have time to shave before getting to the airport, I get searched immediately if my beard’s any longer than half a thumbnail. Meanwhile, most white guys with massively long beards pass through

Okay, but did she check for gloves, a limp induced by pointy shoes, or wig? If not, this woman’s frankly an amateur and deserves to be cursed.

Even one-year old me kept a better lookout and was prone to informing my mother very loudly, persistently, and in public whenever we came across a witch, in order to protect