
I think the problem was the poor balance between exposition and actual story progression. Furthermore, it did become annoying when those rules were altered (and then explained) to make Tatsuya as invincible as possible. Everything revolved around Tatsuya to an incredibly mind-numbing degree.

It was possibly a good taster series, but seriously, there are many series that stand heads and shoulders above it. Whatever gets you interested in following anime must have some merit though!

It's a bit up in the air as nothing's been announced, but given how well the light novels sold last year, it's possible. That said, the anime wasn't that well-received and Madhouse often adapts things just as a commercial for light novels.

My advice would be to find another series to invest in.

Production was just announced and I believe it's being released in 2016.

You have a lot of better series to catch up on in the meantime. If you give an idea of what types of series you like, I could point you to a few as a start.

Also check this site out. It's a database for all anime and manga series available:

A better site for tracking anime (also shows you the days and countdowns until each show airs its next episode):

Digimon, My Teenage Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Ore Monogatari!, Kekkai Sensen and Punchline are the series that I'm looking forward to.

I agree with all the points you've made, but after reading Chapter 56, I have the horrible impression that the mangaka told White Fox the actual ending, and barring a bit of streamlining, that's what they adapted. The manga finishes this summer and so I believe that there isn't much chance of changing the direction

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They are continuing to do a sterling job with the trailers. This one wins for David Bowie.

And yet you felt compelled to comment, thus contradicting your previous assertion of not caring through that action.


Apart from the series Xagor and reflectioneternal suggested (and some of them are truly amazing, particularly Baccano!, TTGL and Parasyte), here are a few more:

Very much so. As someone else stated on here, I wish they would distinguish between "Originals" and "Exclusives", thereby attributing credit properly to actual makers of productions. It's quite underhanded.

Polygon Pictures is a Japanese studio and Shidonia no Kishi was produced and aired like any other standard series in Japan. Netflix (instead of Cruchyroll or Funimation) licensed it for international distribution and paid to do their own subbing/dubbing. Apart from that, all they did was slap on a Netflix Original

But that's precisely what it IS about. Episode 0 is a flashforward that gets the fan-service and exposition out of the way (as they commented on) and the actual series is about the formation of the doujin circle and the game they make. In Noitamina I trust: their scheduling is aimed at people outside the usual anime

It's so perfect for this very reason. The juxtaposition of the eerie setting (even in the intro) and the upbeat and frankly addictive song is brilliant. It tells you everything you need to know about the show: it's a dark and unsettling stage, but the characters are viewing the whole thing with a wry smile and a wink.

Short form series are okay if it's suitable for the adapted content (like a 4-koma), but I mostly don't watch them. I thought I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying was pretty good, but it is based on a Cool-kyou Shinja manga and he's an excellent mangaka. Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika could be interesting and

Also, forgot to mention Rolling Girls was okay, although I have zero idea of where it is heading.

Yes, yes it is. The first episode was pretty promising too. :)

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Death Parade, Saekano, KanColle and Yuri Kumi Arashi are the new series that I'm actually anticipating on a weekly basis. I'm so pleased that Parasyte, Garo and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso are around still to pick up the slack.

Assassination Classroom is one that I'll have to see about: the psychological aspects are

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Seems like an appropriate time to disseminate knowledge of the wonder that is KanColle:

Although a cake, how the hell did I forget McVitie's Jaffa Cakes?!