
Sherbet Lemons, Humbugs and Butterscotches. All that is ever needed.

NA doesn't have Maltesers?! O.O Good God, how do you ever survive?

Also, After Eights. Perfect at any time.

Ah well, as long as you eventually found a series that you did like then it's fine. :)

Saturday Night Fever or Pulp Fiction. Take your pick.

Nagi no Asukara Slice of Life/ Romance/ Fantasy...seriously fantastic), Chaika (is a fantasy/action/ comedy that you really ought to see - very easygoing and enjoyable), Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (truly one of the funniest things this year), Barakamon (comedy/slice of life), My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (a

Sci-Fi anime? Planetes and Steins; Gate are your best bets. It also helps that they are among the best series on offer.

It would be helpful if you could give some genres you're hoping to show as the range of quality anime is so vast nowadays. I would be happy to help you with recommendations if you would do that.


Sissel and co. were a major part of what made the game special so I'm not sure exactly how you would create a sequel without losing that element given how self-contained the story was. I suppose you would have to follow a new phantom detective with extended roles for the original cast.

I know, I'm a bit worried (not only because of what Toei is doing with Sailor Moon), but the character designer (Atsuya Uki) did a good job with Cencoroll and Tsuritama, and Yuuko Kakihara (Chihayafuru 2 and Kids on the Slope) is in charge of series composition, so I hold out hope that they bring their A-game.

I owe Pokemon far more of my existence than most, but yes, Digimon had the far superior anime. That said, after attempting to rewatch both series recently, I found Pokemon more immediately palatable. As much as I love the 4Kids dub and it's pun-laden dialogue, Digimon had a rough first few episodes in retrospect.

Well, at least we'll have Digimon Adventure Tri.

Only the coolest of men like Sailor Moon anyway. And Card Captor Sakura. Screw Dragon Ball Z.

Seriously though, SM and CCS were the best. And Zoids. Zoids was brilliant.

Hooray for Brooklyn Nine-Nine at least getting an ensemble nomination!

Also, it's a crime that Matthew Rhys isn't on the Best Actor list for The Americans.

I may be in the minority, but using my Pokéflute to wake up your Snorlax sounds like...really, really terrible sex talk.


Fortunately, you eventually receive one of the Sinnoh starters in the game. So you can have your Piplup. And Oshawott. And the Johto starters too (Cyndaquil is cuteness overload, while Totodile is cool). :)

Oh yes; I've caught all of the Pokemon available, but I'm looking for a really good Ralts or Seedot with high IVs. Meanwhile, my current team is becoming rather well-trained.

Also, thank you Arceus for gifting me a Poochyena with Ice Fang. It's great.

Colour and Legendary are the two primary factors in selecting my version. That, and a feeling I get when I look at the covers (yes, I'm suggesting there's a spiritual connection between myself and Pokemon covers...perhaps I ought to stop playing...).

Sapphire was my original version, so I've gone with OR. Kyogre and

Platinum and DP were my least favourite games in the entire Pokemon series; they are depressingly dreary and dull.

HGSS are brilliant in every regard aside from the lack of different camera angles and battle animation (though this is because they are older). The colour palette is fantastic, there are a lot of fun

As someone who prefers handheld gaming for various reasons, I'd prefer the series to remain portable, as it suits the gameplay better in my opinion. If they did something similar to Smash though, that would be cool. That would be really cool.

Oh the irony...Could you just say that you're experimenting and learning from the experience of playing a game with some of the best core mechanics of all time? :P

Seriously though, good luck with exams!

Hold on, for variously reasons Smash is my favourite and one of the few fighting games I play, but Injustice was a pretty solid game and a hell of a lot of fun. Both Smash and Injustice are games that allow you to have mindless fun, little skill, and not punish you relentlessly so much so that you want to stop