
Honestly, in terms of keeping up with the latest game and software, you could easily just move on to AlphaSapphire, particularly if you're looking to try and enhance your Pokemon's stats (there's a whole deeper level of gameplay there), but it's a bit bare-bones compared to last year's release, XY, which has added

Honestly, ORAS is probably not going to change your feelings towards Pokemon, particularly as, being a remake, the design of Hoenn is less aesthetically extravagant than Kalos. Also they have removed customisation completely. That said, as someone who tired of XY after a while, and did not care much for RS when it

Perhaps you are right: Pokemon may not be for you then. And that's fine; I hope you find your alternative. :)

The frequent encounter rates were always more annoying in the past than the actual Pokemon, but this has been changed, particularly in the latest game. I would be interested to know which was your most recent

It's a new feature introduced in ORAS that gives details about the Pokemon you are about to engage in combat and shows you how good some of their key stats are.

They've effectively allowed you to do this using the DexNav in ORAS. Pokemon's mechanics have changed over the year incrementally (much like evolution) , but the core concepts were so strong to begin with that it doesn't need significant altering. The surprise of not knowing which Pokemon you will encounter in the

I've apparently spent nine hours dossing around Route 101 to Petalburg Woods using the DexNav. It's rather addictive.

The synergy of your username and comment is so very beautiful. Kudos. :)

Genuinely one of the the funniest sitcoms with actual jokes on television right now. The emotionally arcs of the characters are well thought out and it helps that the entire cast is excellent. The real weapon in its arsenal is Andre Braugher as Captain Ray Holt. The man is a gift to comedy and a master of deadpan.

Eddy Jordan was spouting a rumour that Ross will be heading to Audi for a 2017 return.

Schadenfreude, Richard, Schadenfreude. :P

How many episodes in are you? Because episodes 4 to 8 alone ought to have put the series ahead of Gundam at the very least.

Richard, I'm not sure how you are recommending Gundam over WIXOSS. Yes, the first couple of Spread episodes were a bit lackadaisical, but since then WIXOSS has seized the set-up it laid out in the latter half of the first season and has been horrifying revelation after revelation. The character-work and plot

XY was something to behold in terms of payoff for fans. The EXP Share changes were a godsend.

You and I like the same stuff then: I'd put Johto and Kalos on level footing in terms of inspiring regions to explore in both layout and Pokemon. I hated Sinnoh. Found it depressing.

However, HG/SS (and GS) really captured the

Now playing

Just wait till Kancolle comes out: if the preview is anything to go by, tv-budget 3D animation has taken a giant leap.

Some of the innovations were wonderful and made XY a joy, but best Pokemon main series game ever? Easily HG/SS.

Or Shadows of Almia if we're talking about spinoffs.

We're meant to treat them as our best friends and battle partners! We're so close, we never have to talk to real humans. Never!

OR and AC/DC's Rock or Bust are being released on the same day where I am.

I swear my best birthdays have been having a cinema to myself. It's just amazing. Rare, but amazing. Another benefit to going to the cinema by one's self is having the luxury of marathoning several films on a single day.

I saw this; he can be amusing and I concur with most of his points.

Urobuchi was the creator and left it to Katsuhiko Takayama, but he did actually write the first three episodes (MAL) and so is responsible for the character set-up, which as I said, isn't his particular strength. I soften my blame of Urobuchi to some

Fantastic; perhaps I'll actually be interested now. Thanks for the info :)

MAL doesn't have Inaho down on the character list for the second season! And Asseylum is! Fair play, Aldnoah, fair play. Perhaps it was all part of the plan to make Inaho as one-dimensional as possible in order for the audience to not be