
Honestly, I have to disagree that is a quality anime, except for the music, which is fantastic.

I love many of Urobuchi's works, but this is one of the worst, as it exacerbates his frequent problem with writing decent characters, which would be fine, but this series hinges more than any of his others on character to

You should try it with real Lagos traffic...that's like the Dark Souls of life.

I was on the fence about buying this for my brother's birthday. Now I really want to buy just to see how far it will takes things.

Wait, Lagos is features in CoD? I'd love to see what future okadas are like. Other than that, CoD is terribly unrealistic; there's not nearly enough traffic on those roads.

Gridlock on Victoria Island would make for the toughest challenge in the game.

I think that's the point. Either that Marvel also take over DC due to overwhelming box office success and funds or that, as any smart strategist would do, they are keeping an eye on the enemy. ;)

You wait and see, 2016 is going to be overflowing with Pokemon awesomeness. 20th Anniversary celebrations!

Now playing

Playing them simultaneously is also a rather ethereal and terrifying experience. The dissonance is disorientating and then things start to spiral into something foreboding.

It's Prima!

Now if we can just achieve sentience, I can fulfil my dream of allying myself with the Decepticons.

Well that's a comprehensive response.

I bought a 2DS for Pokemon X last year, but I was still playing my DS Lite from 2006 up to that point. I might however get the New 3Ds because of the JRPGs heading our way (either that or a Vita).

Most parents who are simply buying it for their children and have no interest in it themselves are going to be as confused as hell. I mean, my parents get PS3 and 4 mixed up and they've been purchasing gaming consoles and games for years.

It was the funniest of the season and easily one of the consistently hilarious anime series out there. If you even remotely like anime and are aware of tropes, watch this series.

No matter how many times I see, read or hear it, I crack up at any exclamation of Tomoda.

It's based on a 4-koma (4-cell) gag manga so it's actually a miracle that there's any cohesiveness at all. Plus, comedic tension is lost if there are actually couples. I think if you're watching for romance, you're watching for the wrong reasons. However, if Season 2 does allow for Tomoda to hook up and finally get

It's not even remotely the funniest gag. Do it. Do it now.

I still have my sets of Bionicles; I hope that they are still called the Toa. Also, I swear that Lewa and Pohatu have reused masks...
Gali and Kopaka look as cool as ever.

Basically though, I am thrilled about the return of Bionicle. I too used to scoff at the pathetic attempts of Hero Factory to be Bionicle.

ASUNA! Yes, there are more independent female characters out there, but she holds an affectionate place in my anime heart. Hence, Mother's Rosario will be the best thing SAO has ever done even if it isn't.

GGO online was a marked improvement in terms of character development and pacing over the first two arcs, to the point where it perhaps dwelt too long on certain things. It was quite enjoyable though and I wasn't too bothered by Kirito's apparent overpoweredness. They played it off well enough that it didn't become

Seriously was wondering where on File Island Ikkakumon had gone...He was so cool.

It's cool, there are at least 24 decent shows on the list; I myself am cleansing my palette with some Garo, Bahamut, Gugure, Inou-Battle and F/S N so far.