
In a nutshell.

I think the designs are going to be the least of Terra Formers problems frankly.

Having watch several of the first episodes out there, I'd say you're very wrong; some have the potential to be pretty dark. Though there are several school-set series and I'm not going to lie, there is a fair amount of fanservice and manservice couched in between, but nothing too distracting.

I miss having people to play Beyblades with...

Yeah that permadeath mechanic that they included in Real World 2014 really turned me off. So I went back to Super Smash Bros.


I am avid reader of the manga, but I stopped watching the series a few weeks due to outside circumstances and haven't really got back into it. I will say though that White Fox has done an almost panel-by-panel adaptation, which is wonderful.

That can be true, but there's also this awful perpetration of the idea that cartoons are for kids, and that a certain age, one ought to "grow up" and move on to more mature adult-worthy material. As if a good work of art/book/sculpture etc. can't be and isn't meant to be appreciated by people of any age? I mean, look

Surely STDs ought to be at the top of this list...or preserved animal organs....or literally anything apart from anime-related content.

I'm dead serious. No joke. Aside from Shadows of Almia, I can't think of a longer plot to have existed in a Pokemon game.

Our coach used to split us into separate lanes...It was not very effective. ;)

Well I'm just assuming so from the severe lack of customised trainers in the previews. Hoping it's not the case.

Firstly, sorry for assuming you were a guy; I guess I got too caught up in my own memories and mentally read siblings as brothers. In case you are contemplating whether I am misogynistic Grumpig or not, I am about to use the lamest cop-out ever: the person who got me into Pokemon was a girl. We spent every swimming

Sir! My ego is the size of a Wailord as we speak! :P

My bro and I imitated the starters (I was Bulbasaur or Charmander, him Squirtle) and, like you, we would bring in Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Meowth, Eevee and Team Rocket when needed in whatever challenge we had set for ourselves. Sometimes he would be the trainer and I would be the Pokemon, or he would be my little baby

For the record, I really liked Ledger's delivery of it. It fit well.

I remember the day I opened a pack that I won at a fair to discover a Blaine's Moltres. It's a talisman for me now.

However, the most exciting TCG experience I've had was back in 2003, when I discovered that India had their own set of Funskool-printed Pokemon cards featuring the first 150. I genuinely think that they

I can't take all the credit; the gif was stolen after all. #gifrobber



It's not like I don't take care of my Pokemon: All of the others are neatly in cotton-covered boxes. It's literally just my Eevee that is missing. Hopefully he's elsewhere in the house or just got sent back accidentally to storage in between moving.

That reminds me: I'm still looking for my Eevee plush that I found years ago at a White Elephant Sale. At the time I couldn't believe someone abandoned an Eevee like that, and now I find myself in the same situation...

BUT IT'S THE THING! You've got to be upset about never being able to play THE thing that you haven't heard much about even remotely. IT WAS GOING TO REVOLUTIONISE GAMING!