They are well-drawn and distinctive: would you ever mistake a Magnemite for something else?
They are well-drawn and distinctive: would you ever mistake a Magnemite for something else?
I would like to try Yokai Watch, but my ailurophobia, combined with Jibanyan's eyes, prevents me from doing so. I'm not sure that I find the other designs appealing either.
As an Aussie abroad I'm kind of glad Oz is finally getting its turn. Makes up for all of those years where I had to wait ages for international releases. Of course, I naturally won't be benefitting from this change, but what's life with Sod's Law at work?
I remember the Friday evening Pokemon Sapphire was released in Perth it cost $70 AUD in Myers, Toys R Us and Target. In the USA it was around $30 max.
I think my parents find it mildly amusing about how enthusiastic I am playing, but they realise there are many important and varied memories attached to the experience.
Perhaps I do, but after Gen 3, I found fewer and fewer Pokemon designs in each generation that I genuinely liked. My enthusiasm for Pokemon remains undiminished, but it doesn't mean that I haven't been dissatisfied with the overall designs.
No, Generations 1 to 3 actually had a pretty high quota of good designs verses…
I am being objective in my assessment, as much as you disagree with it. I don't find them uninspired, but rather more organic-looking and most importantly, distinctive. I'll give you Generation 3, which is underrated, but Generation 5 is a often a retread of older designs with a few superlatives like Krookodile,…
They are well aware of it: they got it to improve my reading and pattern recognition, which were affected by my cerebral palsy.
The subsequent purchases of Pokemon games and TCG were in my pursuit of becoming a true Pokemon Master.
Ah Aipom*sigh* The first 252 were the greatest. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding…
Anime Pikachu is definitely a male.
My parents know what's up. It's been clear to them for the last fifteen of my twenty years that Pokemon is more than just a game.
Actually, come to think of it, they actively encouraged me to buy Pokemon Silver in the first place.
I personally am looking forward to seeing how Japan celebrates the 20th Anniversary in 2016. It will be amazing for sure.
Uncle Owen to C-3PO: "Bocce, motherfucker, do you speak it?!"
Tuxedo Mask mask. What's the verdict: creepy or not creepy in the bedroom? I'm leaning towards creepy.
I feel that in order to use Katamari on the Rocks as a backing track to my life, that wearing anything less than a long flowing cape and mask would be criminal.
With the number of incredible voice actors involved, I'm actually surprised that the ubiquitous Haruka Tomatsu wasn't contracted.
Seriously, this list is amazing.
I'd have to agree with you in that regard, but it's still has intelligent writing and dialogue, even if the potential for something truly subversive is diminishing. It still has a few episodes left and so, seeming as they've directly confronted the villain already, there might be a twist yet. I'm basically still…
Don't listen to sakinobashi, I've seen the special and it is totally satisfying. If you thought that they had nowhere to go after removing the Life-Fibre Cocoon, you will be proven wrong resolutely. It's a fantastic denouement. Apart from that, all I will say is that all thematic and character points are brought back…
I really liked Kids on the Slope even with the usual teenage drama and angst, because you felt the brotherly friendship actually was sincere. The setting was also part of the appeal That said, the manga is one of the most satisfying (particularly with its fleshed-out ending) series I have read and you should…
God I love G1 Transformers.
Shame G2 never really took off. I'd also pay to see a War Within miniseries or film.
As great and as entertaining as most of these actors are, none of surpass the coolness level hereafter known as the Bolt-Downey Level.
There's cool, and then there's really cool.