
He's like Usain Bolt: is at the top of his profession, livens up everything with his appearance, entertains, plays to his fans, pretty humble and genuine when interviewed, and generous with his time. Effortlessly cool.

So am I, so am I.

Honestly, I think you've performed a modern pop culture miracle: being genuinely surprised and unaware of a extremely popular film's sequel. Impressive, good sir. :)

Hopefully Her Majesty will like this Camilla better than the last one. She'll probably be vying to switch them around.

Thank you for the info - I didn't know and it is far too late to edit. I shall watch with anticipation.

Thank you for the info - I didn't know and it is far too late to edit. I shall watch with anticipation.

Thank you for the info - I didn't know and it is far too late to edit. I shall watch with anticipation.

Fair enough.

God I miss Seinfeld.

But the shell-bras man, the shell-bras...

We are all mermaids really.

I now realise that nothing I wrote makes sense - it's been a long night/day. That said, given that Pokemon has always pretty much appeared on Nintendo consoles I'm surprised they didn't push for it to be on Wii U given their working relationship with Namco.

Yes! I knew it! This could be so very cool. Though Serebii reports it's an arcade game. Does that mean an arcade-style Wii U game or just an actual arcade game? Because the latter would be the worst business move Nintendo could ever make. It's out 2015.

Par for the Kardashian course, surely?

There's always the Pokemon fighting game that had stills leaked around the same time.

It's more that all the constituent elements are ones that I enjoy and it seems well executed, so there was no real reason for me not to enjoy it. I think at the time I was exhausted and so wasn't really focussing and just was distracted by the visuals (which hurt my head due to said tiredness). I'll give it another

Alright, you've sold me on it. I'll have to start watching again from the beginning. I probably wasn't in the right frame of mind the first time (it had been a busy few weeks for work and exams and I was exhausted). Nice messing around with tropes too.

Nice. Thanks.
