
I like them both. Just depends on time of day, how hungry I am, and what kind of pizza it is, as to whether I'll bother to heat it up.

It's like the dumbest version of Neuromancer ever made.

Thanks. Today is a good day. I hope it is for you as well.

This pretty much nails it. Hope you feel better today, Lauren.

Why is a good question, but you realize that only the Super Wealthy (ie those who are superior to all of us and who rule us all) will be benefiting from this.

When I was 14 years old I would come home from school, get some cookies and iced tea, open the paper and read- in this exact order- The Far Side, Bloom County and, saving the best for last, Calvin and Hobbes- if that wasn't a Golden Age of ocmic strips then I don't know what is...

Frank Herbert. Genius at world-building, not so much snappy dialogue or electrifying prose.

"Now, please list two dozen instances or experiences where you would describe yourself as assertive."

Time to invent 'teleportation'

Eastern Promises.

Single and white.

Why couldn't it have been the evil wasps instead? Bees do something useful. But wasps, they will sting you because that's what they do. Again and again if they want. Evil little buggers.

People who think Romeo and Juliet is romantic piss me off to no end. It's not a romance, idiots, it's a tragedy.