
Yeah, you're right, they're trolling themselves essentially if you think about it.

What a bunch of snobs, just wow.

Dude, stop digging yourself a hole. Just stop.

Sometimes that's what it takes.

Yeah I had the same exact thought. There is no back story other than hyena jaw piece of what use to be a super predator that was a major enemy. It would have made more sense if it belong to a tribal leader that massacred other tribes. Plus there was no there was no back story on how they came across it.

Ships without angles are more likely to be the type we use, since, you know, we're have 3D printers to make them. Ever wonder why alien ships in the TV have doors that are virtually seamless...

These are absolutely atrocious, they all look like they want to be put out of their misery, again.

This is how it begins...

other than ambitious people wanting to kill him or make him suffer, i donno...

This. You're right, but they are undergoing a change and this won't stop Christie, I hope it doesn't at least.

I agree. Either way he's helping himself out. Haters will always hate. If he comes up for election, I may vote for him because he's shown himself to be a moderate. So tired of the extreme right, they make me absolutely nauseated. Scum sucking group of people.

I've pretty much decided to go out with women older than me. I've found younger women to be indecisive and it has worn me thin. Life is too short and its sad that realization does occur until their late 30s.

More like taking over the world period!

Look at my name, I've been waiting for months someone to make a 'Youmad' joke, but to my disappointment... :-) girl or guy? Just curious given you view on Twilight. My cowork at a book store read the first one just to see what it was like. He said to me 'I really hope this isn't how my wife thinks of me, that would be

Nevertheless, your name is quite ironic given the topic.

Not like you guys need more stuff to be pissed off about, but the art of brewing use to be a women's domain too, 500 years ago.

I saw a 14 year old girl wearing a Twilight hoodie with the writing on the back that says 'I think about us being together forever'. *Head exploded*

"Equality, equality!" Before this.

We're humans, we find anything not useful to us to be a pest. Not such a great look either and we'll pay for it for sure

Crappy article and crappy conclusion. Guy sounds like a scum bag and your defending him. Move along...