
I wish the show all the best but after cancelling Alphas, I started boycotting the Syfy. Its hard, being a huge scifi fan. But I don't to get invested in a show again.

Well said. But of course you then go into consequences, relative to what? Rapist are treated better here than most Islamic woman adultors in other cultures.

I was not making this an ethnic thing, sorry if I came across that way. I was bitching about an economic group, who just happen to Jewish. I think the same of every privilege lil pissant. There were a lot in college, made me a little cynical.

Like I said, opinion. Even my roommate, a dude, acted like j.a.p. On graduation day, he started arguing in front of his parents. Upon leaving the dorm apart for the last time, father look right at me and said 'Don't worry [redacted] he's a pain in my ass too.' It how these kids are raised, a sub-society of privilege.

I thought it was tongue-and-check up until that last paragraph. By then, not so much. Not the only j.a.p. I met, just the rudest. I've travel through New York La Guardia hub enough to know this is still not far from the truth. Once saw a 11 year old j.a.p who had an iPad, iPhone, iPod, and designer cloths. That's 3

This was kind of lame and bitchy. Validating a lot of what the frat was eluding too. I talked to one j.a.p. once I was thoroughly grossed out by the princess persona and general attitude towards others.

Clean the sand out of your butt, just television.

Shut your mouth, seriously. Journalist hack and femnazi. Its amazing what counts as news these day, and as another poster said, Obama mention how dudes look as. God this site are SO fucking stupid sometimes. You have protection from being physically harmed or be harassed in private, you don't have protection from the

You need to delete that number, burn/delete whatever photos you have, defriend her, and move on. Took me a long time to realize just because you once hung out a lot, does not make you actual friends. I ditch my asshole 'friend' and I am happier.

*However, for whatever it's worth, I do not personally know a single woman like that.*


Besides being insanely hot... That costume is well done. Curious to know what material were used.

Ander's is full of crap, Tron Legacy was great. So was one with "Human After All"

This is a no-brainer. NOW CURE CANCER!

Of course if you're a white dude looking to play a black dude... Leave the shoepolish home. Might not jive with people.

And for the bread, flakes of skin from her fat ass.

Basically, tend to your own person and stop worrying about others. I agree. This lady really pisses me off. That cheeky ass smile of a she-demon just gets to me.

This. Feminism is no longer Feminism anymore, it's just man-bashing. Bitch just had to get offended. Rather than make a point to those people personally, she harms someone like a coward because forcing others to your views or hurting them for something they said, not because of something they were doing, makes a whole

muffin tops? i thought those were handles for angry thrusts...

So pissed I forgot about PAX East again... next year I will be going. I should google calendar that far head to not forget.