
*However, for whatever it's worth, I do not personally know a single woman like that.*


Of course if you're a white dude looking to play a black dude... Leave the shoepolish home. Might not jive with people.

And for the bread, flakes of skin from her fat ass.

Basically, tend to your own person and stop worrying about others. I agree. This lady really pisses me off. That cheeky ass smile of a she-demon just gets to me.

This. Feminism is no longer Feminism anymore, it's just man-bashing. Bitch just had to get offended. Rather than make a point to those people personally, she harms someone like a coward because forcing others to your views or hurting them for something they said, not because of something they were doing, makes a whole

muffin tops? i thought those were handles for angry thrusts...

So pissed I forgot about PAX East again... next year I will be going. I should google calendar that far head to not forget.

But he always loses...

Amanda Bynes vagina died for your sins!

I'm socially awkward but I still put my best face forward with women and I don't have a doll in my closet. So I just don't have an opinion on it but I understand the desire, but its no substitute to a real woman to share intimacy with. A doll can't call 911 if your in trouble or hold your hand while in the hospital.

Why aren't there more pictures Peter Dinklage? Did the media snub him or is he camera shy?

Forgetting privileged too.

Hmph, guess I'll have to give it a try.

This is why you don't respond to fans, especially for a girl that does 'Guyism', who by the way, is only funny part of the time.

Why do we care about these lame places of backwards idiots? We should ignore them until they turn on each other and begin to eat each other, only a matter of time. All in favor, say aye!

I feel the same my friend.

+1 noy-ice!

Well said. Rest of American has their head up their ass in this regard.

+1 At least someone gets it.