
Oldie but goodie.

Because a lot of Google-heads are turning into fanboys like Apple customers did. Kind of obnoxious, makes me want to smack the shit out of them.

+1 At least someone gets it.

EXTERMINATE! EXTERMIN—- oh, nevermind.

I know right? Then again, it's NASA.

I'm not really sure, to be honest. Why would you want to move back? I'd prefer to move away. If you are interested moving back, best option is to continue to explore your options via web-postings. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Waterville area, I work in Belfast area.

The only think I care about this article is that I saw Dr. Ninja on the screen!

You poor bastard. Moxie isn't a drink, its an abomination. I wonder if I know you from somewhere now, I too, am from Maine. Unfortunately I'm still here.


I tried to love Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, but the game mechanics were mind numbingly stupid. Consistently dying and restarting from every last save point? Only the Japanese could come up with such a stupid idea AND think that's fun. I returned the game and told the cashier the developers were defective.

I couldn't get through it, thought the controls were horrible.

My thoughts too, then I started praying hoping it wasn't

Catholic, now I'm just insulted! ;-)

I partially agree with you but the way you been acting on this thread is a bit dickish. Just make your point and you'll be better received.

It's a good thing I read everything you wrote. Yes anyone can release from their own site but that's not a effective way to reach people most of the time. Steam is different, they take cut, as opposed to a fee (according to my knowledge) to host. I hold both gaming scene apart from reach other (right now). To sum up…

That was nice of him.

I should hope not.

That's not old to me. That's funny :D and I partake too. It really depends on how much a person drinks and smokes. A blanket law for driving impaired is a typical short coming of law enforcement.

nothing good can come from that