
Butterfly was pretty good, so was the Guardian. Anna Breslaw, your just a hater.

Pakistan. what do you expect from a country that drives its nuclear arsenal around in unguarded Econoline van

That is really cool. Next time you see them tell them that gaming community appreciates their patronage and enthusiasm.

I lul'd pretty. Funny stuff.

oh I get it but it's just very naive.

Jon? I think know who this kid is and he's M.R. Can't be that many Jons out there that spend that kinda money like the Jon I knew. He spent all his money on games in college and owned an obscene number of games. If he got this screwed on a game system, then he doesn't have the social maturity to know that he got

No different than Christians once enforcing a skirt at ankle height. All established religions orders are bad. Period. Any religion that gets angry over picture of a dead person, is worse than others for the simple reason that their own response to said picture, is violence and murder.

I stopped reading after reading 'I stopped reading'.

Yeah this was unnecessary gross with no plot. I hate this kind of crap. Ugh. Being gross to be demented, never understand it.

Are you out of your mind? There were what, 3 endings with 3 variants? And they all sucked.

Going by this comments I think you'd be wrong. Her being a model is only icing on the top. Messed up priorities.

The "I'm fucking hot" comment kinda set me off. No, people like you keep others honest. You made my point, so I can stop trolling her now. Rest of the evening off!

:'( Depressing...

What's an MRA?

Sssssh. Ruined it for me! That's what I was building up to. Dang it.

That's just gross...

Oh I fault the guys too, they're stupid as hell, just as the women that get saddle with a child. Just because you can have child doesn't mean you should. There's a lot of people that shouldn't and I work with a lot of single mothers.

Nah, neither do I, my ugly homely face must of scared her off hehe... I've exposed her for being shallow, that's enough for me.

Because all great communication happens over texts and people that break up over texts/phone are wonderful people.

Oh mean something like 'J.A.P.'? To be honest though, they've earned it and anyone that has met one will agree with me.