
I will never by a gaming laptop ever again. HUGE waste of money. Next time I'll just go with out gaming rather than burnt cash on something that may burn on you because they above normal laptop maintenance. At least with a desktop, you can swap stuff.

Damn near true. I've not dated any girl in over a year. I've come to the point where I think women are over rated and cheating tramps always looking for the next best thing.

That's all you took away from this? *facepalm* no... quite... *facedesk* There we go.

Ya think? This is incredibly impressive...

I know you mean, that's why for some shows, I watch them all at once.

Read it. Mind you, once you get to the current book you'll have to realize you won't see another book for 4-5 years. And you will rage...

Anyone paying that much for a hair is insane... and 50% of the population happens to be insane, so it fits.

Dredd is good, but really more of a rental. Don't go.

I agree, wasn't a fan of the first one, but the second one was great. Didn't finish it though because of the insane asylum and the lack of holy water arrows. SO lame.

My thoughts exactly.

Long words to create the aura of self-importance? Check.

Paxton totally got screw in his role of Predator II. They should have let him at least wing the alien before his demise . But no! Apparently Predator cameo makes you invincible too! Argh!

The problem you're not seeing is the fact that back when the allegations started probably, most of the bikers were doping. He happen to win the tour out of all of them, so other bikers, out of envy and jealously, targeted him and were forgiven for their 'violations' for being 'witnesses'. Go after the big fish, if you

This potential is nice, I would so far as to say I have a lot of potential. But that's not helping if you don't pass mustard in the automated online application system.

I know right? I guess we don't have to worry about any invasions from the deep by these things. If they did, we'd have plenty of time plan a response that's for sure.

Not to mention a pretty mess up looking 'toy' to start with. It's hard to look at.

I agree, I don't like it either, but I agree Meredith, it is great ending.

Great review Charlie, thanks for the heads up.

God I hate this part of the Gawker network, enough of this 'woman rah rah rah' stuff. If your awesome, then you don't have to prove it. You just are. So much 'men suck, blah, blah' as well, jeesh. You try to hard, no one takes you seriously. Why not do articles just talking about women, like the new Yahoo CEO, and

As inexperienced, over-educated recent graduate individual of the Y generation, how would you go about getting a job? This job environment doesn't look at education at all, and it is maddeningly depressing.