
Wearing a football jersey is literally cosplay.

This is stupid. Why would I EVER buy anything online if I have to pay for not only the item, but shipping and tax as well? At that point, I might as well buy it in a store and not pay shipping costs.

Except they don't.

By your logic console users should never need upgrades. Let's just keep using ps3's and xbox 360's.

Awesome, I'm glad to hear it. I'm also glad to hear that the men will be able to play the women's games.

I'm sorry, but the character design is just awful. It just screams of decades past and it wasn't a good style then, and it sure as hell isn't now.

You realize his history doesn't negate his point right? If a smoker tells you not to smoke because it's bad, he might be full of hypocrisy, but he's not wrong.

No because anime is a medium not a genre. That's like saying because HBO has tons of tits shown off, I should be embarrassed to admit I watch TV.

That guy reminds me of people saying HOTD would be better without fanservice. No it wouldn't. It would not even exist without it. Fanservice is half the point.

You seem a little mad. Maybe if you can't appreciate all types of anime and not just Cowboy Bebop, maybe you shouldn't be acting like you're Mr. Good Anime guru.

Girls are not 46% of the population.


If by miles ahead, you mean 8 years behind. But k.

Is it just me or does she look like a totally different person in Gravity.

This is a pile of crap. They are obviously sexualized. Just because you don't find them that way, doesn't make it so. I could just as easily argue that some badass females that wear skimpy things are just female power fantasies.

This is a pile of crap. They are obviously sexualized. Just because you don't find them that way, doesn't make it so. I could just as easily argue that some badass females that wear skimpy things are just female power fantasies.

The nice thing about science and facts are that they're true whether you believe them or not.

Well with her...that's fairly accurate.