
These piece of shit assholes. Unbelievable. They can take their scavenging Christian colonialism and shove it.

Didn't you just answer your own question, though? There aren't any Swole Asian Thor/Swole Black Thor/Swole Latino Thor casting calls out that we know if, so people are wondering why exactly only Whites are needed.

The story is Oompa Loompa Trump happily reposting content generated by piece of shit racists. The source is not disconnected from the content, and neither is Trump.

Llorca's The Garden is pretty slick.
Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah - Diaspora
Molly Nilsson, Imaginations
Bei Bei & Shawn Lee, Year of the funky - Really loving Danxia Disco.

For a second, I thought this was going to be an adaptation based on the novel by Patricia Nell Warren. Alas.

You liiiiiiiiiiiied to me.

She's a fucking nightmare. Are there still enough dumb voters in Georgia that a thinly veiled bigot can get away with using "the gays" as a wedge issue?

Anyone else freaked out by the way Cooper physically looks more and more like Bob?

I hear what you're saying, but there's some overreach and definition drift here that seems shoehorned in for the sake of your argument that men doing drag is not about femininity. Whatever nuances there are to the gender theory suggested by the performance of drag, it doesn't make sense that drag is only pretending on

Weirdly not bothered by Valentina. She's exactly that girl everyone's saying she is, but for some reason, it doesn't make me dislike her? She's an antihero for me. Not under illusions that she's a nice person, but I still want to know how it all ends.

There's calling out people because of the stories they gravitate to and then there's calling out people because they set white people drama in a Brooklyn that bears no resemblance to actual Brooklyn because of how de-POCified it is.

The dictionary can be wrong. It's just a bunch of definitions written by fallible people (who spend an incredible amount of time thinking about etymology and connotation, but still).

I think you're intellectualizing a reaction that isn't based in rationality. What "makes sense" doesn't really have anything to do with how people approach the subject, unfortunately.

I guess precise writing is feminine. It was nice to see them get away from the broad jokes and generalizations this week.

Why so angry? Trinity was totally going to say Valentina until Valentina got all cute about it. I seriously doubt either of them was upset about it, the way Valentina was mugging "disappointment" after Trinity said "Alexis" with that poker-face. They were just fooling around.

LOL, hit a nerve, huh?

Re: BM and removing racism from the story, can we please stop asking white people about racism? Just because someone is good at one type of art, it doesn't mean they're not horrendously off-base about something they will never experience.

What exactly do you want? A 24-hour a day street protest against "Nuclear War" until the threat is diminished, which won't be until approximately 4 years from now at the earliest? In the meantime, Trump and his cronies will be busy siphoning $$ from every branch of government they know exists.

I've met a lot of awesome people from NC too. but it says a lot that they weren't in NC when I met them — as in, they hightailed it out of there as soon as they were grown, employed, and educated.

LOL, because "what you're really saying is 'I don't care about Anthropology'" isn't insufferable at all. Every utterance doesn't need the hyper-academic expressive culture approach.