
One of the things I've reflected on this election has been that we're really seeing the results of half a century of decay in our public school systems. The truth is there aren't enough non-dumbasses in the electorate right now. We've been using "college degree" as short-hand for "educated," but too many of those

Bush was different from Trump in that he was actually interested in governing. Trump's incompetence at governing doesn't really matter as much, given that most of the work (and authority) will fall to lifetime lobbyists and shitheel bigot politicians.

The Manchurian Southerner, more like.

I've come to the conclusion that we have to swallow our pride and our knowledge of empirical reality and coddle the shit out of them. Tell them how important they are; how smart they are; how much they've suffered compared to everyone else. It doesn't matter if it isn't true, and it isn't. It doesn't matter how many

When you're dealing with an authoritarian, "he doesn't mean what he says" or "he's not going to do what he says" is a terrible way to comfort people considering the history of every other authoritarian ever.

An almost extinct regional party that won the popular vote and whose margin of popular victory widens by the day. The Republican party by definition wins in places where basically no one lives; that's the only reason no one seems to realize they're just as easily organized by geographical attribute as everyone else.

No. Pence and Trump don't get to shit on minorities and women all throughout their campaign and then use "I'm here as a customer" as an excuse to keep people from responding.


Truth hurts.

Aw, did someone post a link to this on Breitbart? Love it when trolls get together and coordinate the insults they'll use to take journalists down a peg. Meathead! Meatball! Mamma mia!

Why do people make distinctions between racism of the heart and racism of the act? Do people not realize that to the POC who experience racism, it's a distinction without a difference? I think we're really past the point of thinking that any of these people who don't hold racism "in their hearts" but enact it anyway

I'm still haunted by NY Magazine's interview with women Trump supporters. They all sound either a) mentally deficient or b) like they've been the lifelong victims of a constant stream of abuse from men, to the point where they have to rationalize it and blame other women and by extension themselves or their entire

That woman in Brooklyn punched herself in the face, too! And everyone in the restaurant who saw it is also lying! All to frame one innocent Trump supporter who was just minding his own business, trying to have a lunch in a public space where people only spoke about the things he wanted to hear. Liberals are so out of

They're usually not encouraged by the Cabinet of the President elect, though.

When people equivocate about the election like this, I think what it really points to is the beauty pageant element of the elections. It's not that anyone is incorrect to point out that all Trump voters pulled the lever for an objectively racist person.

I reject the narrative because at some point, you have to hold adults accountable for their own actions. Has the middle class struggled for the last half-century? Sure. Have factory jobs largely dissipated, never to return? Sure. But we're acting like these people are too fucking stupid to pick up a goddamn book and

It's not a generalization. It's an empirical fact that 100% of Trump voters, for whatever reasons they told themselves, voted for an overtly racist man who saw nothing wrong with focusing attention on a mythical Mexican rapist contingent of immigrants, discriminating against POC in housing, or keeping black men in

Troll is a troll, but one of the hardest things to swallow about the election has been the realization that to convince racists to be less racist, you have to coddle them and pet them and convince them that no, they're decent people — while brainwashing them into not acting like such a bunch of frickin' racist asses.

Sordid. They riled up a base of cretins, racists, and xenophobes so they could raid the country coffers. Wish we could require them to pay for bodyguards for all the Muslim Americans who are stuck in red states among our newly empowered bigots.

Also, she looks incredibly jarring in this cartoonish "Neo-Tokyo." People might try to defend it by saying that SJWs would have been mad about prosthetic yellowface makeup, but isn't that the point? If the look isn't right and your only recourse is racist makeup, does it not occur to anyone that it was a miscasting